P.R. Laws Ap. tit. 34A, § 1–A, Rule 10.6

2019-02-21 00:00:00+00
Rule 10.6. Final disposal of record

Documents related to minors’ cases, where no probable cause has been determined, where no offense has been perpetrated, or where complaints have been dismissed shall be destroyed, after recording pertinent data for statistical purposes only.

Once the jurisdiction of the court has ceased, the records of minors found perpetrating offenses shall be sealed and dealt with pursuant to the Rules for the Administration of the Program for Preservation and Disposal of Documents of the Judiciary.

When deviation has been granted and the court has ordered the docketing of the complaint or complaints because the stipulations may be deemed complied with, the documents concerning said deviation and services rendered shall be kept in the court record of the minor in order that they may be considered as part of the social record of said minor.