P.R. Laws tit. 34A, § 10.5

2019-02-21 00:00:00+00
Rule 10.5. Removal of records between Parts

(a) The record of a minor who has been unduly prosecuted as an adult shall be removed to the Prosecutor for ulterior proceedings.

(b) Any case related to a minor shall be removed from a Minors’ Part to another if the welfare of the minor so indicates or if the minor changes his residence. The removal order shall be recorded in writing and sent to the other part together with the record. The judge of the part where the case is removed to shall, without any delay, continue its proceedings to its conclusion.

(c) If a minor on parole changes residence the court may order the removal of the record for the Minors’ Part with venue thereupon to continue the supervision of the minor.

The resolution ordering the removal shall include any additional measures deemed necessary.