P.R. Laws tit. 1, § 5171

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 5171. Navigation and Maritime Safety Month

(a) The month of May of each year is hereby declared as “Navigation and Maritime Safety Month in Puerto Rico”.

(b) The Governor of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico shall issue an annual proclamation to the Puerto Rican people for all to join in the celebration set forth herein not later than ten (10) days prior to the beginning of said week.

(c) The Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, the Puerto Rico Police, and the Department of Education, as well as other bodies and public entities and the municipalities of Puerto Rico, including Municipal Police Corps, shall adopt the measures necessary for the achievement of the objectives set forth in this section by means of organizing and carrying out activities to celebrate “Navigation and Maritime Safety Month in Puerto Rico” celebrations.

(d) The activities referenced in subsection (c) of this section shall include, without being limited to, disclosure of and orientations on the provisions set forth in §§ 1401 et seq. of Title 12, known as the “Maritime and Aquatic Recreation Safety Act of Puerto Rico”.

(e) A copy of the annual proclamation shall be distributed among the mass communications media of the Island for its disclosure and/or publication.

History —Dec. 29, 2003, No. 327, §§ 1—5.