P.R. Laws tit. 1, § 5158

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 5158. Leader, Community Groups and Community Self-Management Week

(a) The first week of the month of March, of each year is declared to be the “Week of the Leader and the Community Groups and Community Self-Management in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico”.

(b) Every year, the Governor of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico shall issue a proclamation to that effect, at least ten (10) days before March 1, in which the people of Puerto Rico shall be exhorted and the various agencies and entities charged with, offering services to the disadvantaged communities, and in particular, the special communities qualified pursuant to §§ 962 et seq. of Title 21, shall be directed to organize and sponsor activities proper to the celebration of the “Week of the Leader and Community Groups and Community Self-Management in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico”, during which, the work and achievements of community leaders, as well as of the different communities, particularly of the special communities of Puerto Rico, shall be acknowledged.

It behooves the Office of the General Coordinator for Socio-Economic and Self-Rule Financing, created by §§ 962 et seq. of Title 21, to direct and coordinate, in an integrated way, all government efforts directed to achieve the purposes of this section. To such ends, the Office of the General Coordinator for Socio-Economic and Self-Rule Financing shall have the collaboration of the members of the Advisory Council for the Development of Special Communities, constituted and created by §§ 962 et seq. of Title 21.

Also, to achieve the purposes of this section, the Office of the General Coordinator for Socio-Economic and Self-Rule Financing can direct and coordinate, any collaboration offered by civic organizations, private enterprises, universities, foundations and community groups, among others in an integrated way with the government efforts.

(c) A copy of the annual proclamation shall be distributed to the various news and mass communication media of the country for its corresponding dissemination and/or publication.

History —Apr. 1, 2003, No. 102, §§ 1—3, eff. July 1, 2003.