P.R. Laws tit. 1, § 5081

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 5081. Municipal Police Day and Week

(a) The 19th day of May of each year is hereby declared as “Municipal Police Day”, and the day that begins the celebration of “Municipal Police Week”.

(b) The Governor of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico shall exhort the People of Puerto Rico, through a Proclamation, to celebrate “Municipal Police Day” and “Municipal Police Week” as well to support the activities planned to observe said events.

(c) The municipalities, in coordination with the Puerto Rico Police, the Department of Education and other agencies concerned with public safety, such as the Corrections Administration, through the Custody Officers Corps, the Firefighters Corps, the Civil Defense and, among other public corporations, the Puerto Rico Public Broadcasting Corporation, shall individually or jointly conduct activities allusive to said celebration, whose emphasis shall be to provide orientation and educational programs for the community. Likewise, they shall propitiate and garner the solidarity of the citizenry in general with the efforts of the Municipal Police to counteract and eradicate crime on our Island.

History —Mar. 17, 1998, No. 55, §§ 1—3.