P.R. Laws tit. 4, § 73l

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 73l. Judiciary Evaluation Commission—Evaluations; recommendation to the Governor

In the cases of renominations or promotions, the Governor shall request the Commission, through the Judiciary Appointments Office, a recommendation of the corresponding judge, which shall be accompanied by an evaluation report on his/her years of service; offices held; a precise and detailed evaluation of his/her performance based on the evaluation criteria established by this chapter. In addition, said report shall itemize other aspects, such as: information and data on the number of cases assigned and resolved, classified by topic or subject and by method of disposition, time elapsed in their resolution with regard to nature or complexity, subsequent appeal procedures, if any, complaints and charges filed against the judge, if any, and their disposition, an appraising judgement of his/her ratings, quality of work and any other information pertinent to his/her evaluation.

Evaluations and recommendations shall be remitted to the Governor at least one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the expiration of a judge’s term in the case of a judge who is interested in being renominated, and one hundred and twenty (120) days after having been notified that a judge has filed an application for promotion before the Judiciary Appointments Office.

Copies of the letter of recommendation and of the evaluation report that are sent to the Governor, shall be remitted to the judge thus evaluated, to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and to the Administrative Director of the Office of Court Administration and to the Senate, when the Governor submits a judge, who has been previously evaluated by the Commission, for renomination or promotion.

History —Dec. 5, 1991, No. 91, § 16.