P.R. Laws tit. 4, § 73i

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 73i. Judiciary Evaluation Commission—Evaluations; classifications and content

The Commission shall perform, without being limited to, the following evaluations:

(a) Evaluation of work, productivity and judiciary load of the judges of the Court of First Instance. — It shall carefully analyze the statistical information on the work, productivity and judiciary load of the judge, including the information about the number of resolved cases, type of cases classified by topic or matter; the method of disposition and the time elapsed in solving them, taking into consideration their nature and complexity; the number of cases submitted and the time elapsed from their filing date to the date they were submitted; number of proceedings presented in appeal or revisions to review his/her sentences; number of appeals or reviews issued; percentage of cases in which there were revocations and confirmations, and those auxiliary resources the judge possesses in order to carry out his/her duties.

(b) A detailed evaluation of judiciary performance. — The Commission shall periodically make a complete evaluation of the performance of each judge of the Court of First Instance. In addition to the analysis of their work, productivity and judiciary load required by subsection (a), these evaluations shall include, without being limited to, the input of administrating judges, courts of appeals, attorneys, prosecutors, juries, witnesses and the evaluated judge him/herself.

The information regarding the number and type of charges and complaints presented against the judge, if any, and their disposition; his/her attendance and punctuality at work; his/her efficiency in the handling of cases; his/her judiciary temperament and compliance with administrative norms and instructions; if applicable, his/her administrative work, and any data or information needed to cover the evaluation areas established by this section.

History —Dec. 5, 1991, No. 91, § 13.