P.R. Laws tit. 5, § 163

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 163. Loans on products and agricultural implements—Stub books; form

The Secretary of Justice of Puerto Rico shall deliver to the Court of First Instance of Puerto Rico stub books with enumerated pages, having printed on each page the following form:

Form for the Stub Book. AGRICULTURAL LOANS Certificate No................ The District Judge of.............................. CERTIFIES That........................., a resident of......................... SWEARS That he is the owner of the following agricultural products and effects: That the said agricultural products and effects are worth today That he wishes to contract and hereby does contract and acknowledges the receipt of a loan for........................................ which he shall pay on............................................................ to the order of............................................................ [And] the aforesaid goods constitute the guarantee of said loan, and which he will keep carefully and gratuitously and of his own free will in his hands, and shall act as keeper thereof until the day that he pays the said loan, or that he is ordered by the District Court to deliver them to any person, and makes himself amenable to the laws that punish those who shall sell, deteriorate, exchange or conceal goods entrusted to him for keeping; or who represents goods not of his own property, or who appraises them at prices higher than the market price today. And to that effect this Certificate is issued in duplicate, the original of which is filed in the District Court, and the duplicate hereof is delivered to the interested party to contract the loan above referred to, on the............... of.......... at (Signature of the Judge) (Signature of the interested party) (SEAL OF THE COURT) (Place for Internal Revenue stamps that shall be cancelled by the Judge) Witnessed. Witnessed.

History —Mar. 10, 1904, p. 141, § 13.