For the purposes of the provisions of §§ 1121—1125 of this title the following definitions of words and phrases shall govern, except when their context clearly indicates otherwise:
(a) Filled milk. — Includes any milk, cream, fats or skimmed milk, whether or not evaporated, condensed or powdered, to which there has been added or which has been mixed or compounded with any fats or oil other than fats from natural milk, in such a way that the product so processed is an imitation or resembles milk, cream, fats or skimmed milk, whether or not evaporated, condensed or powdered.
(b) Imitation milk. — Is a product that, in its processing, fats or solids are used which have not been derived from natural milk, that have been processed by a mixture of fats, proteins, vitamins and/or other substances which are not lacteous, in such way that in its final combination it tries to duplicate the color, taste, odor and/or texture of natural milk.
(c) Person. — Any natural or [juridical] person, trade name, association or entity, including any of their agents.
(d) Establishment. — Includes dock, warehouse, store, factory, premises or building.
History —June 25, 1969, No., 67, p. 206, § 2.