P.R. Laws tit. 15, § 114

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§ 114. Restrictions on sale of tickets

Lottery tickets shall be sold by the Director of the Bureau of the Lottery, his agents, and the itinerant peddlers dependent upon them, subject to such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may promulgate. The agents of the lottery shall purchase the tickets for cash from the Director of the Bureau of the Lottery, who shall make them a discount in accordance with the schedule hereinafter referred to, but which shall in no case exceed twenty percent (20%) of the official price of the tickets; Provided, That in no case in which the official price of the ticket is or exceeds six dollars ($6) shall the discount to the agents be less than one dollar ($1).

The Director of the Bureau of the Lottery shall, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, prepare and fix from time to time subject to the provisions of this section, the schedule of discounts to govern in the sale of tickets to the lottery agents and in the sale of the same to the itinerant peddlers, taking as a basis the official price of the tickets. Sale of the lottery tickets from agents to itinerant peddlers shall be in cash.

History —May 15, 1947, No. 465, p. 1022, § 4; June 24, 1968, No. 124, p. 286, § 2, eff. July 1, 1968.