P.R. Laws tit. 15, § 805

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§ 805. Powers and duties of the Director of the Lottery Bureau

The Director shall have the following duties and powers, without it being construed as a limitation:

(1) Supervise the operations connected with the Additional Lottery authorized herein.

(2) Enforce compliance with the laws, regulations and orders connected with the implementation of the Additional Lottery.

(3) Authorize the places where a vendor may engage in the sale of lottery tickets and require reasonable measures for the protection and safety of the general public according to the applicable regulations.

(4) Establish standards, issue orders and resolutions and take the necessary measures for the physical, economic and social safety of the natural or juridical persons connected with the Additional Lottery game.

(5) Conduct hearings, summons witnesses, make visual inspections, take oaths and statements, order the production of books, documents, and any other additional proof of any nature that is deemed essential for a complete knowledge of a matter before his consideration. When a person refuses to obey a summons, order, requirement or resolution issued by the Director, he may resort to the Court of First Instance of Puerto Rico to order the compliance therewith.

(6) Carry out such acts that are necessary and convenient for the operation of the Additional Lottery and for the convenience of the public.

History —May 24, 1989, No. 10, p. 44, § 6.