P.R. Laws tit. 18, § 2117

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 2117. Licenses—Institutional objectives

The license to be issued by the Secretary by virtue of this subchapter will be institutional in nature and shall include the authorization to issue diplomas, certificates or degrees up to the maximum academic level established in the license. Provided, That a private educational institution, by virtue of the license issued, and pursuant to academic autonomy this chapter provides, protects and fosters, may establish new academic programs, additional courses or any other academic measure, provided the same does not exceed the maximum academic level authorized by the license, nor modifies its institutional objectives or mission.

The Secretary shall review any addition that the institution has made to its programs, within the maximum level authorized, at the time of the renewal of the license.

History —May 10, 1976, No. 31, p. 78, added as § II-7 on June 30, 1988, No. 49, p. 220, § 2.