P.R. Laws tit. 18, § 2107

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§ 2107. Determinations by other agencies prohibited

No department, instrumentality, office, board, bureau or commission of the Government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico shall make determinations, authorizations or accreditations of educational institutions or recognize or accredit degrees, diplomas, certificates or courses pertinent to the matters covered by this chapter. Employment by any agency of persons with titles or degrees from institutions without due authorization as herein set forth, when the holding of such title or degree is a condition of employment, shall be considered a violation to the law and the officer or employee who so acts shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction the provisions of Title 33 for this kind of offense shall be applied to him.

History —May 10, 1976, No. 31, p. 78, § 7, eff. July 1, 1976.