The funds appropriated to the 100x35 Music Program: Puerto Rico Orchestras and Youth and Children’s Choirs System shall be under the custody of the Puerto Rico Conservatory of Music Corporation as the parent company of such corporation. The Conservatory shall establish the applicable regulations for the administration and accounting of said funds.
The resources appropriated by virtue of this subchapter shall be used to satisfy the needs of the Program, including, but not limited to: administrative and academic expenses, musical instruments, educational materials, travel and incidental expenses to prepare official representatives of the groups within the system for performances in or outside Puerto Rico, which resources shall proceed from:
(a) Annual appropriations of the Legislative Assembly for the development and financing of the 100x35 Music Program: Puerto Rico Orchestras and Youth and Children’s Choirs System.
(b) Contributions from businesses, groups, nonprofit institutions, partnerships, and corporate entities from the private sector, private citizens, and federal, Commonwealth, and municipal government entities.
(c) Interest earned on account of investments made with the funds of the 100x35 Music Program: Puerto Rico Orchestras and Youth and Children’s Choirs System.
(d) Transfers of real or personal property authorized by the Governor through an Executive Order.
(e) Any case in which, pursuant to this section, the Government of Puerto Rico must transfer specific real property to the System, which transfer shall be made by virtue of a certification issued by the Secretary of Transportation and Public Works in the name and on behalf of the Government of Puerto Rico, describing such property and including the annotation of the recordation thereof in the Property Registry. The Property Registrars shall acknowledge said certification when registering the title deed in favor of the grantee.
History —May 23, 2012, No. 94 § 7.