As amended through November 21, 2022
Rule 5003 - Views And Viewers(1) The written notice of the appointment of Viewers and of the place and time of the Views shall be given in the manner and to the persons entitled as prescribed by law within ten (10) days of their appointment.(2) The Viewers shall, at the time of the View, set a date for any subsequent hearing or hearings.(3) Notice of presentation by Condemnor of a Petition to make payment into Court under the provisions of Section 522 of the Eminent Domain Code shall be given in the same manner as notices of the filing of Declarations of Taking are directed to be served under the provisions of Section 405(b) of said Code.(4) The Chairman of the Board of View shall file its report with the Prothonotary within one hundred twenty (120) days after the appointment, unless another time has been fixed in the order by which the Board of View is appointed, or the Court extends the time for filing upon cause shown.*(5) Appeals from tax assessment may be referred by the Court to boards of arbitrators under 42 Pa. C.S. § 7361(a) or to boards of viewers under 72 P.S. § 5020.518.1(c) as the Court may determine.