Or. Uni. Trial. Ct. R. 3.170

As amended through January 17, 2024
(1) An attorney authorized to practice law before the highest court of record in any state or country ("out-of-state attorney") may appear on behalf of a party in any action, suit, or proceeding pending in this state before a court or administrative body even though that attorney is not licensed to practice law in this state, if the attorney satisfies all of the following requirements:
(a) Shows that the attorney is an attorney in good standing in another state or country.
(b) Certifies that the attorney is not subject to pending disciplinary proceedings in any other jurisdiction or provides a description of the nature and status of any pending disciplinary proceedings.
(c) Associates with an active member in good standing of the Oregon State Bar ("local attorney") who must participate meaningfully in the matter.
(d) Certifies that the attorney will: comply with applicable statutes, law, and procedural rules of the state of Oregon; be familiar with and comply with the disciplinary rules of the Oregon State Bar; and submit to the jurisdiction of the Oregon courts and the Oregon State Bar with respect to acts and omissions occurring during the out-ofstate attorney's admission under this rule.
(e) If the attorney will engage in the private practice of law in this state, provides a certificate of insurance covering the attorney's activities in this state and providing professional liability insurance substantially equivalent to the Oregon State Bar Professional Liability Fund plan.
(f) Agrees, as a continuing obligation under this rule, to notify the trial court or administrative body promptly of any changes in the out-of-state attorney's insurance or status.
(g) If application will be for an appearance before a court, pays any fees required by subsection (6) below for appearance under this rule. No fee is required if application will be for an appearance before an administrative body.
(2) The information required by subsection (1) of this rule must be presented as follows:
(a) If application will be for an appearance before a court, to the Oregon State Bar (Bar) in a form established by the Bar. The Bar may accomplish the submission of information by requiring a certificate with attachments or other means administratively convenient to the Bar. Upon receipt of all information necessary under subsection (1) of this section and receipt of the fee required by subsection (6) below, the Bar will acknowledge receipt in a form determined by the Bar. In making the acknowledgment, the Bar may attach copies or comment on any submitted material the Bar finds may be appropriate for a court to consider with an application under this section. The local attorney must then submit the Bar's acknowledgment with any information the Bar includes to the court by motion signed by the local attorney requesting the court to grant application under this section. The court may rely on the acknowledgment of the Bar as a basis to conclude that all information required to be submitted and fees required to be paid for granting an application under this section have been submitted and paid. Bar records on materials it receives under this section will be available to a court on request for two years or such longer period as the Bar considers administratively convenient.
(b) If the application is for an appearance before an administrative body, to the administrator of the agency before which the proceeding will occur or that person's designee or to any other appropriate officer, employee or designee of that agency as set forth by procedures or rules established by that agency. Application may be accomplished by an application certificate with attachments or other means administratively convenient to and established by the agency. Agency records on materials the agency or designee receives under this section will be available to the Bar on request for two years or such longer period as the agency considers administratively convenient.
(3) The court or administrative body shall grant the application by order if the application satisfies the requirements of this rule, unless the court or administrative body determines for good cause shown that granting the application would not be in the best interest of the court or administrative body or the parties. At any time and upon good cause shown, the court or administrative body may revoke the out-of-state attorney's permission to appear in the matter.
(4) Each time a court or administrative body grants an application under this rule or revokes an out-of-state attorney's permission to appear in a matter, the local attorney must provide a notice to the Bar of such occurrence in a manner and within the time determined by the Bar.
(5) This rule applies to all judicial and administrative proceedings in this state. When a court or administrative body grants an application for approval to appear under this rule, the authorization allows that individual attorney to appear in all proceedings for a single case that occur within a year after the application is granted. Applications will not be granted for firms. There must be separate application and approval for any of the following: appearance by another out-of-state attorney representing the same or any other party; representation by the same out-of-state attorney in this state on another matter; any appearance that occurs later than that one-year period. The Bar or an administrative body may establish such abbreviated procedures and requirements as Bar or body finds administratively convenient to limit unnecessary submission of duplicate information by an attorney who has already had application granted to appear in one proceeding and is seeking to appear in other proceedings or to renew an application at the end of a current one-year grant for a case.

Except as otherwise provided in this rule, for each application under this rule to appear before a court, the applicant must pay to the Bar a fee of $500 at the time of submission of information under subsection (2) of this section, including when application is sought to renew an application at the end of a current one-year grant for a case. The fee will not be refundable.

Subject to the following, the Bar or any administrative agency acting under this section, may use electronic means to accomplish acts required or authorized under this section:

(a) The Bar shall provide acknowledgment under paragraph (2)(a) of this rule for court purposes by electronic means only upon approval of the State Court Administrator.
(b) No administrative agency may provide electronic means of notifying the Bar of a grant of application or revocation under this section without prior approval of the Bar.
(8) An applicant is not required to pay the fee established by subsection (6) of this section if the applicant establishes to the satisfaction of the Bar that the applicant is employed by a government body and will be representing that government body in an official capacity in the proceeding that will be the subject of the application.
(9) An applicant is not required to associate with local counsel pursuant to subsection (1)(c) of this section or pay the fee established by subsection (6) of this section if the applicant establishes to the satisfaction of the Bar that:
(a) The applicant seeks to appear in an Oregon court for the limited purpose of participating in a child custody proceeding as defined by 25 USC §1903, pursuant to the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978, 25 USC §1901 et seq. and the Oregon Indian Child Welfare Act, ORS 419B.600 et seq.);
(b) The applicant represents an Indian tribe, parent, or Indian custodian, as defined by 25 USC §1903 and ORS 419B.603; and
(c) An Indian tribe as defined in 25 USC §1903 or ORS 419B.603(7) has affirmed the child's eligibility for membership or citizenship in the tribe.

Or. Uni. Trial. Ct. R. 3.170

UTCR 3.170 is adopted by the Oregon Supreme Court under ORS 9.241 and may be modified only by order of that Court.