Or. Uni. Trial. Ct. R. 21.090

As amended through January 17, 2024
(1) The use of a filer's login constitutes the signature of the filer for purposes of these rules and for any other purpose for which a signature is required.
(2) When a document to be electronically filed contains the signature of the filer, the filer may sign the document using either an electronic signature, or an authenticated signature, as those terms are defined in UTCR 1.110.
(3) When a document to be electronically filed contains the signature of someone other than the filer, the document may be signed using either an original signature or authenticated signature, as those terms are defined in UTCR 1.110. The filer certifies by filing that, to the best of the filer's knowledge after appropriate inquiry, the signature purporting to be that of the signer is in fact that of the signer.
(a) If the document contains an authenticated signature, the filer must retain the electronic document until entry of a general judgment or other judgment or order that conclusively disposes of the action, unless the court orders otherwise.
(b) If the document contains an original signature, the printed document bearing the original signature must be imaged and electronically filed in a format that accurately reproduces the original signature and contents of the document, and the filer must retain the document in the filer's possession in its original paper form for no less than 30 days, unless the court orders otherwise.
(4) When more than one party joins in filing a document, the filer must show all of the parties who join by one of the following:
(a) Submitting an imaged document containing the signatures of all parties joining in the document;
(b) A recitation in the document that all such parties consent or stipulate to the document; or
(c) Identifying in the document the signatures that are required and submitting each such party's written confirmation no later than 3 days after the filing.
(5) When a document to be electronically filed contains the signature of a notary public, the document must be electronically filed in a format that accurately reproduces the signatures and contents of the document.

Or. Uni. Trial. Ct. R. 21.090

2011 Commentary :

The Committee does not intend the requirement to include an email address in a signature block to constitute consent to receipt of service of documents by email. Electronic service of documents may only be accomplished as specified in UTCR 21.100.