Or. Uni. Trial. Ct. R. 21.080

As amended through January 17, 2024
(1) A filer may use the electronic filing system at any time, except when the electronic filing system is temporarily unavailable.
(2) The filing deadline for any document filed electronically is 11:59:59 p.m. in the time zone where the court is located on the day the document must be filed.
(3) The court considers a document submitted for an electronic filing when the electronic filing system receives the document. The electronic filing system will send an email to the filer that includes the date and time of receipt, unless the filer has elected through system settings not to receive the email.
(4) If the court accepts the document for filing, the date and time of filing entered in the register relate back to the date and time the electronic filing system received the document. When the court accepts the document, the electronic filing system will affix the date and time of submission on the document, thereby indicating the date and time of filing of the document. When the court accepts a document for filing, the electronic filing system sends an email to the filer, unless the filer has elected through system settings not to receive the email.
(a) The provisions of this subsection do not apply to a proposed order or judgment, or to any other document that requires court signature, that is electronically filed.
(b) When the court accepts a proposed order or judgment or any other document that requires court signature through the electronic filing system, the document is deemed submitted for judge review.
(5) If the court rejects a document submitted electronically for filing, the electronic filing system will send an email to the filer that explains why the court rejected the document, unless the filer has elected through system settings not to receive the email. The email will include a hyperlink to the document.
(a) A filer who resubmits a document within 3 days of the date of rejection under this section may request, as part of the resubmission, that the date of filing of the resubmitted document relate back to the date of submission of the original document to meet filing requirements. If the third day following rejection is not a judicial day, then the filer may resubmit the filing with a request under this subsection on the next judicial day. For purposes of this subsection, resubmission means submission of the document through the electronic filing system under section (3) of this rule or physical delivery of the document to the court. A filer who resubmits a document under this subsection must include:
(i) A cover letter that sets out the date of the original submission and the date of rejection and that explains the reason for requesting that the date of filing relate back to the original submission, with the words "RESUBMISSION OF REJECTED FILING, RELATION-BACK DATE OF FILING REQUESTED" in the subject line of the cover letter; and
(ii) If an electronic resubmission, the words "RESUBMISSION OF REJECTED FILING, RELATION-BACK DATE OF FILING REQUESTED" in the Filing Comments field.
(b) A responding party may object to a request under subsection (a) of this section within the time limits as provided by law for the type of document being filed. For the purpose of calculating the time for objection provided by law under this subsection, if applicable, the date of filing is the date that the document was resubmitted to the court under subsection (a) of this section.
(6) Except as provided in subsection (c), if the eFiling system is temporarily unavailable or if an error in the transmission of the document or other technical problem prevents the eFiling system from receiving a document, the court must, upon satisfactory proof, permit the filing date of the document to relate back to the date that the eFiler first attempted to file the document to meet filing requirements.
(a) A filer seeking relation-back of the filing date due to system unavailability or transmission error described in this section must comply with the requirements in subsection (5)(a) of this rule.
(i) The cover letter described in subsection (5)(a)(i) must include the date of the original attempted submission and the date that the filer was notified that the submission was not successful, and explain the reason for requesting that the date of filing relate back to the original submission, with the words "RESUBMISSION OF FILING, SUBMISSION UNSUCCESSFUL, RELATION-BACK DATE OF FILING REQUESTED" in the subject line of the cover letter.
(ii) The Filing Comment field notification for an electronic resubmission described in subsection (5)(a)(ii) must include the words "RESUBMISSION OF FILING, SUBMISSION UNSUCCESSFUL, RELATION-BACK DATE OF FILING REQUESTED."
(iii) The filer may include supporting exhibits that substantiate the system malfunction together with the filer's cover letter.
(b) A responding party may object in the same manner and subject to the same time calculations as in subsection (5)(b) of this rule.
(c) Technical problems with the filer's equipment or attempted transmission of a document within the filer's control will not generally excuse an untimely filing. A court may permit the filing date to relate back to the date that the eFiler first attempted to file the document only upon a showing of extraordinary circumstances based on satisfactory proof. A filer seeking relation-back under this subsection must comply with subsection (6)(a) of this rule and must, in the cover letter, explain why extraordinary circumstances exist.

Or. Uni. Trial. Ct. R. 21.080