Nev. EDCR 5.606

As amended through June 26, 2024
Rule 5.606 - Orders shortening time for a hearing
(a) Unless prohibited by other rule, statute, or court order, a party may seek an order shortening time for a hearing.
(b) An ex parte motion to shorten time must explain the need to shorten the time. Such a motion must be supported by affidavit.
(c) Absent exigent circumstances, an order shortening time will not be granted until after service of the underlying motion on the nonmoving parties. Any motion for order shortening time filed before service of the underlying motion must provide a satisfactory explanation why it is necessary to do so.
(d) Unless otherwise ordered by the court, an order shortening time must be served on all parties upon issuance and at least 1 day before the hearing. An order that shortens the notice of a hearing to less than 14 days may not be served by mail.
(e) If the time for a hearing is shortened to a date before the due date of an opposition, the opposing party may orally oppose the motion at the hearing. In its discretion, the court may order a written opposition to be filed after the hearing.
(f) Should the court shorten the time for the hearing of a motion, the court may direct that the subject matter of any countermotion be addressed at the shortened time, at the original hearing time, or at some other time.

Nev. EDCR 5.606

Added effective 6/10/2022.