Nev. EDCR 5.605

As amended through June 26, 2024
Rule 5.605 - Pretrial conferences and calendar call
(a) At the request of the court or a party, the court may conduct one or more pretrial conferences or a calendar call, or both.
(b) The court may resolve, or schedule a conference to resolve, any evidentiary, procedural, scheduling, or other matters for the trial, including prospects of settlement, potential alternate methods of dispute resolution, readiness for trial, the exhibits to be submitted, the witnesses (including experts) to be actually called, or any other matters.
(c) Unless otherwise directed by the court, each party must provide to the court and any opposing party by the time of calendar call:
(1) All proposed exhibits, marked for identification; and
(2) A typed exhibit list, identifying all stipulated exhibits.
(d) Failure to attend a pretrial conference or calendar call or to provide the required materials may result in imposition of sanctions.

Nev. EDCR 5.605

Added effective 6/10/2022.