Ky. Prov. Juv. Ct. R. P. & Prac. JCRPP 10
The county attorney retains discretion in public offense cases that are not mandatory diversion cases (permissive diversion cases) to object to diversion and file a petition. If the county attorney does not object to the diversion in writing, and the child enters into a diversion agreement, then diversion is no longer a mere recommendation from the court designated worker. The child can reasonably rely on the opportunity to complete diversion and have the complaint file closed as diverted. The FAIR team may be utilized at any time during the diversion process.
Diversion through the court designated worker is by definition pre-petition diversion. Only when a child is participating in an informal adjustment and did not participate in a pre-petition diversion agreement may the court refer the child to the court designated worker for diversion if no other diversion programs are available. In the event such a diversion referral is part of an informal adjustment, the court designated worker may refer the case to the FAIR team.