L. R. Prac. Sup. Ct. AD-10

As amended through December 3, 2024
Rule AD-10 - Court Reporters; Court Reporters Notes
A. Scope. This rule shall apply to all court reporters' notes (both paper and electronic) taken in sessions of this court.
B. Responsibility of Court Reporters. It shall be the responsibility of all reporters employed in any capacity by this court to be aware of and comply with all provisions of this rule, as well as all applicable statutes and rules of court. All court reporters including per diem or contract reporters shall keep the Court Administrator's office advised of their current address and telephone number. All official court reporters of this court shall be responsible for the safekeeping of their notes until the notes have been delivered and accepted for storage by the Court Administrator's office pursuant to this rule. All court reporters employed by the court on a per diem or other contract basis shall retain physical possession of their notes while also ensuring their accessibility by the court.
C. Personal Storage of Notes. All reporter's notes which have not been stored with the Court Administrator shall be kept by the reporter of the division in which the proceedings were reported.
D. Storage of Notes With Court Administrator. All reporters shall provide the Court Administrator an electronic copy of their notes on a monthly basis. Additionally, all reporters shall provide the Administrator with a copy of their dictionary on an annual basis.
E. Facilities and Procedures. All court reporter's notes in the custody of the Court Administrator shall be kept in a secure location and/or format. The Administrator shall store the notes so that they may be readily obtained.
F. Retrieval of Notes. When it becomes necessary for a reporter to obtain any of his or her notes stored with the Administrator, the Administrator shall make the notes available for such purposes during normal working hours.
G. Destruction of Notes. All reporter's notes for civil and probate proceedings in storage for more than ten (10) years shall be destroyed by the Court Administrator after giving thirty (30) days written notice by certified mail directed to the reporter at his or her last known business address and place of residence. Prior to such destruction, the reporter may reclaim his or her notes if he or she desires prior to the date set for their destruction. Notes of juvenile and criminal proceedings shall be held in storage according to the applicable retention schedule.
H. Termination of Employment. Upon termination of employment any court reporter shall immediately deliver his or her notes to be stored with the Administrator and shall at all times keep the Administrator advised of his or her address and telephone number.

L. R. Prac. Sup. Ct. AD-10

Added as AD-12 Aug. 30, 1993, effective 12/1/1993. Renumbered as AD-10 and amended June 30, 2009, effective 1/1/2010.


Former Rule AD-10 was renumbered as AD-8.