020-9 Wyo. Code R. § 9-18

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 9-18 - Public Hearing

(a) The Administrator shall provide an opportunity for the applicant or any interested person to request a public hearing with respect to any permit application of Section 17 above.

Any such request shall be filed during the comment period specified in Section 17. (c) and shall indicate the interest of the party and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. If the Administrator finds that there is a significant degree of public interest in holding the hearing, he will request that the Council hold such a hearing in the geographic area wherein the proposed discharge is located, or other appropriate area.

(b) Public notice of a hearing held pursuant to paragraph (a) above will be circulated utilizing any or all of the methods available for notice of the permit application set out in Section 17(a), and such notice will be provided no less than 30 days in advance of the hearing. The contents of the public notice will consist of the following:

  • (i) Name, address and phone number of the Division;
  • (ii) Name and address of each applicant whose application will be considered at the hearing;
  • (iii) Name of receiver to which each discharge is made and description of the location of each existing discharge to the receiver in the area of review;
  • (iv) Brief reference to the public notice issued for each permit application including identification number and date of issuance;
  • (v) Information regarding the time and location of the hearing;
  • (vi) The purpose of the hearing;
  • (vii) A concise statement of the issues raised by the persons requesting the hearing;
  • (viii) A statement that a copy of the proposed permit and other information is available at the address specified in paragraph (i) above;
  • (ix) A brief description of the nature of the hearing, including applicable rules and procedures to be followed in accordance with the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act; and
  • (x) The Administrator shall make available at the hearing, as reasonable, copies of the subject permit application.

020-9 Wyo. Code R. § 9-18

Amended, Eff. 6/29/2018.