020-9 Wyo. Code R. § 9-17

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 9-17 - Public Participation

If public notice of any complete subsurface discharge permit application other than for a special process discharge is required, public notice shall be given within ten (10) days after the applicant has been notified that the application is complete, and in the following manner:

(a) Notice shall be circulated by one or more of the following methods:

  • (i) Posting in the post office and other public places of the municipality nearest the premises;
  • (ii) Posting near the entrance to the applicant's premises;
  • (iii) Publication in local newspapers.

(b) Notice shall be mailed to the applicant and, upon request, to any other person or group.

(c) The Administrator shall provide a period of not less than 30 days following the date of public notice during which interested persons may submit their views on the permit application.

(d) The contents of the public notice described herein shall include the following:

  • (i) Name of the Division with addresses and phone numbers at which interested persons may obtain further information and inspect and copy Wyoming Groundwater Pollution Control Permit forms and related documents.
  • (ii) Name and address of the applicant and brief description of the location of the discharge.
  • (iii) Nature of the applicant's activities or operations that result in the discharge.
  • (iv) A physical, chemical and biological description of the discharge, and a brief description of proposed discharge procedures.
  • (v) Depth and geologic name of the receiver.
  • (vi) A statement of the tentative determination concerning the permit with a brief explanation of the reasons for the determination. If the tentative determination is to issue the permit, the proposed date of issuance and a brief description of any proposed special conditions of the permit.
  • (vii) A brief description of the procedures used in the permit administration process, including information relating to the opportunity for public participation in that process.
  • (viii) Notification of the right to request, in writing, a public hearing, information as to how such a request may be made and the final date after which no such request will be entertained. Such final date shall be the 30th day after provision of notice under this section.

020-9 Wyo. Code R. § 9-17

Amended, Eff. 6/29/2018.