020-11 Wyo. Code R. § 11-4

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 11-4 - Definitions

The following definitions supplement those contained in W.S. 35-11-103 of the Wyoming Environmental Quality Act.

(a) "Affected land" means the area of land from which overburden is removed, or upon which overburden, development waste rock or refuse is deposited, or both, access roads, haul roads, mineral stockpiles, mill tailings, impoundment basins, and all other lands whose natural state has been or will be disturbed as a result of the operations.

(b) "Campground" means a parcel or tract of land under the control of a person at which sites are offered for the use of the public or members of an organization either free of charge or for a fee, for the establishment of temporary living quarters for two or more recreational units.

(c) "Commercial/industrial waste and wastewater facilities" means any facility not defined as a municipal or single family residence facility.

(d) "Construction" shall encompass the materials used, installation procedures and tolerances, and testing and disinfection requirements.

(e) "Feedlot" means the concentrated confinement of animals or poultry in pens or houses for meat, milk, or egg production or the stabling of animals or poultry for a period of forty-five (45) days or more in a twelve (12) month period when forage or crops are not grown in the area of confinement.

(f) "Hazardous substance" means any matter of any description including petroleum related products and radioactive material (substance) that, when discharged into any Waters of the State, presents an imminent and substantial hazard to public health or welfare. This definition includes all materials (substances) so designated by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency in the Federal Register for March 13, 1978 (Part III), Water Programs, Hazardous Substances.

(g) "Land application/treatment" means the application of wastes or wastewater to the land at a predetermined rate for the purpose of disposal or treatment by any or all of the following processes: degradation, plant uptake, assimilation or accumulation in the soil profile from filtration.

(h) "Maximum daily demand" means the largest daily water use rate that would occur during the calendar year.

(i) "Maximum hourly or peak hourly demand" means the largest water use rate that would occur during any one hour during the year. The maximum hourly demand may or may not occur during the maximum daily demand period.

(j) "Mobile home park" means a parcel or tract of land under the control of a person upon which two (2) or more mobile homes are located on a continual or seasonal nonrecreational basis, regardless of whether a charge is made therefore.

(k) "Off-channel" means the interception of a drainage way that collects runoff only from disturbed areas.

(l) "On-channel" means the interception of a drainage way that collects runoff from both disturbed and undisturbed areas.

(m) "Permanent pool level" means the elevation in a sedimentation pond or sediment control structure below which the water will not be discharged by an outlet structure or by pumping.

(n) "Pond/lagoon" means a manmade or natural basin that is intended for containment, treatment or disposal of wastes or wastewater.

(o) "Rapid infiltration system" means a land treatment system in which treatment is accomplished by the movement of large quantities of wastewater through a coarse or highly permeable soil profile.

(p) "Recreational unit" means a tent or vehicular type structure, primarily designed as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, or travel use, that either has its own motive power or is mounted on or drawn by a self-powered vehicle. A tent means a collapsible shelter of canvas or other fabric stretched and sustained by a rigid structure(s) and used for camping outdoors.

(q) "Seasonal high groundwater table" is the highest elevation reached by the groundwater during the wet season of the year (usually spring or early summer).

(r) "Sedimentation control facility" means a pond or structure designed to capture runoff from disturbed areas for the purpose of treating water for sediment and suspended solids removal.

(s) "Slow rate land application system" means an irrigation system in which wastewater treatment is achieved due to vegetative uptake and percolation of wastewater through the soil profile by low application rates.

(t) "Sludge" is the accumulation of solids settled from wastewater in a septic tank, aerobic unit, clarifier, or equivalent.

(u) "Soil" means all unconsolidated material overlaying bedrock.

(v) "Toxic characteristics (or wastes)" means those characteristics (or wastes) that are due to the presence of: substances or combinations of substances including disease causing agents that, after discharge and upon exposure, ingestions, inhalation or assimilation into any environmentally significant organism, either directly from the environment or indirectly by ingestion through food chains, may cause death, disease, behavioral abnormalities, cancer, genetic malfunctions, physiological malfunctions (including malfunctions in reproduction) or physical deformation in such organisms or their offspring. This definition shall include all substances designated as toxic or hazardous by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in the Federal Register for December 24, 1975, (Part IV), Water Programs, National Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations; Federal Register for May 19, 1980, (Section 261 ), Hazardous Waste Management System: Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; and the Federal Register for July 16, 1982, Part V, National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan.

020-11 Wyo. Code R. § 11-4

Amended, Eff. 6/29/2018.