Note: Under the state public accommodation law s. 106.52(3), Stats., federal law related to use of federal funding, and some local anti-discrimination ordinances, denying admission on the basis of race, disability, religion, or certain other characteristics may be illegal.
Note: The Background Check Request form is available electronically through the Child Care Provider Portal or at A paper version is available from any regional licensing office listed in Appendix A.
Note: The licensee may use either the department's form, Incident Report - Child Care Centers, or the licensee's own form to report incidents or accidents. The form is available on the department's website at
Note: The licensee may use either the department's form, Incident Report - Child Care Centers, or the licensee's own form to report the death of a child in care. The department's form is available at
Note: The licensing representative will notify the licensee if a plan of correction is required and provide the plan of correction format with the notification.
Note: See s. DCF 251.11 (5) (a) for items that affect a condition of the license.
Note: Alterations, additions, or changes of use to commercial buildings may require submittal of plans to and approval by the Department of Safety and Professional Services or its agent before commencing construction. It is recommended that an architect or engineer be consulted prior to the beginning of any construction or remodeling to determine whether plans must be submitted.
Note: When a child care worker or a parent has concerns about a child's growth or development, a referral to a Birth-to-Three agency or the local public school should be considered to determine if the child is eligible for special services. Wisconsin has an information and referral service for persons with questions or concerns about a child's development called Well Badger Resource Center that is available to the public 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When a call is placed to Well Badger Resource Center at 1-800-642-7837, the caller will learn about early intervention services, as well as other related services in the area.
Note: Copies of a summary of this chapter may be obtained from the Child Care Information Center,, 1-800-362-7353.
Note: The licensee may use either the department's form, Child Care Enrollment, or the licensee's own form to obtain consent of the child's parent for emergency medical treatment. Information on how to obtain the department's form is available on the department's website,, or from any regional licensing office in Appendix A.
Note: The licensee may use either the department's form, Field Trip or Other Activity Notification/Permission, the department's form, Child Care Enrollment, or the licensee's own form for securing parental permission. Forms are available on the department's website,
Note: The licensee may use either the department's form, Alternate Arrival/Release Agreement - Child Care Centers, or the licensee's own form for securing the parent's authorization. Information on how to obtain the department's form is available on the department's website,, or from any regional licensing office in Appendix A.
Note: The licensee may use the department's form, DCF-F-CFS2345, Health History and Emergency Care Plan, or the licensee's own form for obtaining the information.
Note: To record immunization information, use either an electronic printout from the Wisconsin Immunization Registry or other registry maintained by a health care provider or the Department of Health Services Form F-44192, Child Care Immunization Record. The form is available on the department's website at
Note: The licensee may use either the department's form, Informed Consent for Observation or Testing by an Outside Agency - Child Care Centers, or the licensee's own form for securing the parent's written consent. Information on how to obtain the department's form is available on the department's website,, or from any regional licensing office in Appendix A.
Note: To document a health examination, use either an electronic printout from a medical professional or the department's Form DCF-F-CFS0060, Child Health Report - Child Care Centers. The department's form is available at
Note: The form, Daily Attendance Record - Child Care, may be used to record a child's daily attendance. Information on how to obtain the department's form is available on the department's website,, or from any regional licensing office in Appendix A.
Note: Child care workers are required to report known or suspected child abuse or neglect as specified above. Reporting to the licensee does not lessen this legal duty if the licensee fails to report as specified above. Information related to child abuse or neglect may be obtained from the Child Care Information Center,, 1-800-362-7353.
Wis. Admin. Code Department of Children and Families DCF 251.04
See s. DCF 251.04 (3) (j) on reporting suspected abuse of a child by a staff member to the department.