Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 56-3-40 - Compressed Gases and Welding40.1. Handling and use of welding or cutting equipment generally. 40.1.1. The clothing of any person using any welding or cutting equipment in or about a surface mine shall be reasonably free of petroleum products.40.1.2. When handling oxygen cylinders or apparatus the use of oily hands or gloves is prohibited.40.1.3. Compressed gases shall not be used under direct pressure from tanks or cylinders but must be used under reduced pressures not exceeding that recommended by the manufacturers.40.1.4. At no time shall compressed air be directed toward a person when in use.40.1.5. A suitable wrench designed for compressed tanks shall be in the possession of the person authorized to use the equipment.40.1.6. Oxygen and gas cylinders and their contents shall be used solely for their intended purposes.40.1.7. Only an approved type spark-lighter shall be used for lighting torches.40.1.8. All welding and cutting equipment shall be continuously maintained in a safe condition.40.2. Storage of compressed gas cylinders. 40.2.1. Cylinders shall be securely stored in an upright position with valve protection caps hand tight.40.2.2. The cylinder storage area shall be well ventilated, protected and at least twenty (20) feet from highly combustible materials such as oil or other flammables.40.2.3. Signs at the cylinder storage area shall be conspicuously posted, "Danger No Smoking, Matches or Open Flame".40.2.4. When storing oxygen cylinders and acetylene or other fuel gas cylinders inside buildings, a minimum distance of twenty (20)feet or a noncombustible barrier at least five (5) feet high having a fire resistance rating of at least one-half (1/2) hour shall be maintained between the oxygen cylinders and other fuel gas cylinders.40.3. Transportation of compressed gas cylinders.40.3.1. When tanks and cylinders are not used and they are being transported, valve protection caps shall be placed on all tanks or cylinders.40.3.2. Oxygen tanks, gas tanks, or cylinders shall not be transported with the hoses or gauges attached.40.3.3. When transporting cylinders, they shall be securely mounted with regulators removed, cylinder valves closed and protective valve caps replaced.40.3.4. Gas cylinders shall not be transported on vehicles used to transport employees unless separate approved compartments are provided.40.4. Welding preparations. 40.4.1. Any person assigned to use and work with welding and cutting tools shall be properly instructed of their uses and fully understand the danger of their misuse.40.4.2. Any person welding, cutting, heating, brazing or soldering shall be provided with goggles or shields, gloves, safe type spark-lighter and proper torch tip cleaner.40.4.3. Prior to welding, cutting, heating, brazing or soldering in areas likely to contain methane, an examination shall be made by a qualified person with an approved device. Additionally, examinations for methane shall be made immediately before and periodically during welding, cutting, heating, brazing or soldering and such work shall not commence or continue in air which contains one percent (1%) or more methane.40.4.4. Welding operations shall be shielded when necessary and the area shall be well ventilated.40.4.5. Fire watchers shall be used whenever welding, cutting, heating, brazing or soldering is performed at locations where a fire hazard exists.40.4.6. Adequate fire protection shall be provided at the location where welding, cutting, heating, brazing and soldering is performed.40.5. Acetylene welding.40.5.1. Only approved apparatus such as torches, regulators, pressure reducing valves, hoses, back flow check valves and gas cylinders shall be used.40.5.2. Back flow check valves shall be attached to the exhaust side of a regulator before using.40.5.3. Repairs involving the pressure system of compressors, receivers, or compressed-air-powered equipment shall be prohibited until the pressure has been relieved from the part of the system to be repaired.40.5.4. Gas cylinders shall be protected from contacting sparks, hot slag or flame during welding, cutting, heating, brazing or soldering.40.5.5. Regulators shall be adequately attached to the cylinders before using their contents.40.5.6. The cylinder valve shall be opened partially for an instant, then closed before connecting a regulator. Any person performing said act shall stand to the side (not in front) of the outlet when opening the cylinder valve.40.5.7. When removing a regulator from a cylinder bottle valve, the valve shall be closed and the gas released from the regulator.40.5.8. Empty cylinders shall be marked as such and removed from the work area immediately.40.5.9. Oxygen and acetylene tanks or cylinders or compressed gases shall be protected from power lines or energized electrical machinery or equipment.40.5.10. Oxygen and acetylene tanks or cylinders shall be kept away from the place where the cutting is being done in order to prevent damage or accident and to prevent heat from affecting such tanks or cylinders.40.6. Electrical welding. 40.6.1. All connections at the welding machine shall be checked before starting such operations.40.6.2. The ground lead shall be adequately attached to the work.40.6.3. Magnetic work clamps shall be free of adherent metal particles or spat tex on contact surfaces.40.6.4. Coiled weldingcable shall be adequately separated to avoid serious overheating and damage to cable insulation.40.6.5. The welding machine frame shall be adequately grounded.40.6.6. The welding machine shall be free of leaks, cooling water, shielding gas and engine fuel.40.6.7. Proper switches shall be provided for deenergizing the welding machine.40.6.8. Electrode holders shall be located so they do not make electrical contact with persons, conducting objects, fuel or compressed gas cylinders. Energized electrode holders may be laid down or placed only in approved nonconductive trays or holders.40.6.9. There shall be splice-free cables within ten (10) feet of the electrode holder.40.6.10. The welding cable shall not coil or loop around parts of the welder's body.40.6.11. When welding has ceased for any substantial period of time, all electrodes shall be removed from holders.40.6.12. Holders shall be located so that accidental contact cannot occur.40.6.13. Where work permits, arc welders shall be enclosed by individual booths or non-combustible screens painted with a finish of low reflectivity such as zinc oxide or lamp black.40.7. Safety Hazards. 40.7.1. Welding, cutting, and burning shall be prohibited in dusty areas.40.7.2. After welding operations, the area where metal particles could come into contact with other workers, shall be posted with signs to provide warning.40.7.3. Welders shall report any equipment defect or safety hazard to their supervisor and discontinue welding until safety has been assured.40.8. Maintenance and repairs. 40.8.1. Cylinders, valves, couplings, regulators, hoses and apparatus shall be kept free from oil, dirt, greasy substances, and maintained in good condition.40.8.2. Test for leaks on hoses, valves, or gauges shall be made with a soft brush and soapy water or soapsuds.40.8.3. Welding machines, electrodes, and cables shall be examined weekly for wear and/or damage.