W. Va. Code R. § 150-7-8

Current through Register Vol. XLI, No. 38, September 20, 2024
Section 150-7-8 - Inspections and Tests
8.1. Meter testing facilities and equipment.
8.1.1. Testing facilities. -- A utility shall provide or have access to laboratory meter-testing facilities that are necessary to perform the tests required by these rules or by orders of the Commission. The testing facilities are subject to the approval of the Commission, and shall be available at all times for inspection or use by any member or authorized representative of the Commission.
8.1.2. Tests required; Reports to Commission. -- A utility shall, as a minimum requirement, conduct the tests required by these rules with such frequency, and in such manner, and at such places as provided herein or as may be approved or ordered by the Commission. A utility shall make yearly reports, in accordance with the requirements of the Commission, in the annual report, of meter tests, number of customers and amount of refunds. These reports must be filed not later than thirty (30) days after the expiration of the period covered by the reports.
8.1.3. General testing equipment. -- A utility furnishing metered water service shall own and maintain the equipment necessary to accurately test all types and sizes of meters employed for the measurement of water unless the utility has made arrangements to have the testing done in a shop or laboratory containing equipment acceptable to the Commission. The utility shall promptly report in writing to the Commission all alterations or repairs to meter testing equipment that might affect the accuracy or method of operation of such equipment.
8.1.3.a. The utility shall hold for all testing instruments and other equipment, a certificate signed by a proper authority giving the date when the instrument was last certified and adjusted, and certificates, when superseded, shall be kept on file in the office of the utility.
8.1.3.b. Shop testing equipment. -- Testing equipment shall consist of calibrated tanks large enough to hold the equivalent volume needed to move the test dial one or more complete revolutions. It is recommended that the calibrated tanks hold not less than the quantity needed to test meters in accordance with the test requirements of the American Water Works Association (AWWA) found in the Water Meters Section of Manual M6, Denver (1986). The equipment shall have the proper valves, gauges, and flow devices to determine the flow rate in gallons per minute and to check the pressure on the intake side of the meter.
8.1.3.c. Field testing equipment "Prover Meter". -- Testing equipment shall consist of a calibrated meter(s) with proper discharge valves and gauges to adjust the flow on the outlet side of the prover meter. The utility shall test and calibrate the field testing equipment against a certified calibrated tank not less than once each year, or more frequently if circumstances warrant, and ensure that a record of testing accompanies the field test equipment when in use. It is recommended that the test record be plotted as an accuracy curve in graph form so that operating error may be determined easily. The error of the prover meter as a correction factor when computing final accuracy of meters tested in place by using the following formula:

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where: MV = volume recorded on meter tested

PV = volume recorded on prover meter

PA = accuracy of prover meter at tested flow rate (in %).

8.2. Tagging, sealing and capping meters.
8.2.1. Tagging meters. -- A utility shall maintain a record of each meter showing the type, brand, serial number, registration reading, test date, flow rates, and test results. A utility shall maintain this record, which may be kept on paper or electronically, after installation of the meter and for so long as the meter remains in service.
8.2.2. Sealing meters. -- The meter tester performing a test shall seal all meters in which the accuracy can be adjusted or which could otherwise be easily altered or tampered with at the time of the test. Pulse generator remote type meters shall have the remote counter sealed.
8.2.3. Capping meters. -- A utility will place caps on the inlet and outlet ports of all meters removed from service and awaiting testing. A utility will cap and seal all meters that have been tested and sealed or are ready for installation until installed.
8.3. Accuracy requirements for water meters.
8.3.1. Installation accuracy. -- Before a utility installs a water meter for the use of any customer, whether new, repaired, or removed from service for any cause, the utility shall ensure that the meter is in good order and is adjusted or repaired to be as nearly correct as is commercially practical. However, a manufacturer's certified test may be accepted in lieu of utilities' test of new meters of the positive displacement type.
8.3.2. Whenever, on installation, periodic or any other test, a utility finds a meter to exceed a limit of two percent (2%) fast or slow, the utility must adjust the meter to register as nearly one-hundred percent (100%) as is commercially practicable. For displacement, multi-jet, propeller, and turbine meters, the normal test-flow-percent accuracy shall be the average of the accuracy results at the intermediate and maximum test-flow rates. For compound and fire-service meters, the normal test-flow-percent accuracy shall be the average of the accuracy results at the maximum test-flow rate of the main line meter and the intermediate and maximum test-flow rates of the bypass meter.
8.3.3. After a utility makes all necessary repairs, adjustments and final tests so that the meter registers accurately, the utility shall seal the meter. It is recommended that all meters of the disc or displacement type, two inch (2") or less in size, be tested before being installed on the premises of any customer.
8.3.4. A utility shall always test a meter of the turbine type, two inch (2") and larger, after installation. A utility shall install these meters with a "Test Tee" and valve for use in testing.
8.3.5. Meters of the turbine type can be tested and calibrated more accurately in place. The accuracy of turbine meters is affected by changes in distribution of velocities through the meter. Such variation of velocity may occur to an appreciable degree through change of nature of inlet piping.
8.3.5.a. A Commission certified meter prover shall perform all tests to determine the accuracy of registration of any water meter.
8.3.6. Meter Test Flow. -- Flow rates shall be in accordance with "American Water Works Association" standards.
8.3.7. Tests -- How Made. -- The testing procedures shall be in accordance with American Water Works Association standards.
8.4. Periodic test.
8.4.1. Meters shall be periodically tested as follows:

3/4" or less in size at least once every 10 years.

1" in size at least once every 7 years.

1-1/4", 1-1/2", 2" in size at least once every 5 years.

3" in size at least once every 3 years.

4" and larger in size at least once each year.

8.4.2. "Periodic test periods" for testing meters in the system of utilities supplying water of high turbidity, or of peculiar characteristics, will be determined by the Commission from time to time.
8.4.3. The time frame for periodic tests may be modified by the Commission from time to time upon the submission of evidence by the utility to substantiate any request for modification.
8.5. Request tests.
8.5.1. Action required. -- If any customer requests in writing to the utility a test of the accuracy of his or her meter, and the meter is not due for periodic testing, the utility shall notify the customer of the conditions under which the test will be made by the utility or by a referee. If the customer requests that the utility proceed with the test and remits an amount equal to the estimated cost to be incurred by the utility, but not less than ten dollars ($10), the utility shall make the test promptly. The meter tester shall provide a report giving results of the test to the customer and the utility, and a complete record of the test shall be kept within the applicable Division of the Commission. If, when tested, the meter is found to be more than two percent (2%) in error, the utility will refund the amount advanced to the customer. If the meter is not found to be more than two percent (2%) in error, the utility shall retain the amount advanced by the customer for the test.
8.5.2. Customer's privilege. -- A customer may be present when the utility conducts the test on the customer's meter or, if the customer desires, may send an expert or other representative appointed by the customer.
8.5.3. If the customer files a complaint with, or makes a request for assistance from, the Commission regarding the accuracy of his or her meter, the Commission will notify the utility and the utility shall have a representative present to remove the meter and assist a Commission inspector with the test. This test shall be made at the expense of the utility.
8.5.4. Report to customer. -- Within ten (10) days after the completion of the test, a utility will provide to the customer a report giving the name of the customer requesting the test, the date of the request, the location of the premises where the meter had been installed, the type, make, size and serial number of the meter, the date of removal, the date tested, and the result of the test.
8.6. Meter testers.
8.6.1. Meter tester required. -- A utility shall have in its employ or have access to the services of one or more competent meter testers whose duty is to perform tests to determine the accuracy of the utility's meters.
8.6.2. Certification of meter tester. -- A utility desiring to certify an employee as a meter tester must secure a qualification card from the Commission in the form of Water Form No. 9; have same executed by the applicant and returned to the Commission; together with a certification by a responsible representative of the utility as to the facts contained on the card. The Commission will then schedule a certification test consisting of a written examination and demonstration test of the applicant's meter testing skills on certified testing equipment. If the applicant's qualifications are satisfactory, the Commission will then issue a card to the employee in the form of Water Form No. 10, authorizing the employee to test meters of the type and size shown on the card.
8.6.3. Experience required. -- No employee of a utility is authorized to test meters unless the employee has had at least six (6) months' experience in a utility water-meter shop, or equivalent experience, part of which time must have been spent working on the type meter for which authority to test has been requested. All tests must be made by an authorized meter tester.
8.6.4. Reports to Commission.
8.6.4.a. A utility shall file on or before February 1st, each year, a list of the individuals in its employ authorized to test meters.
8.6.4.b. A utility shall notify the Commission and shall take up and return the meter tester's card when a certified meter testers ceases to be in its employ.

W. Va. Code R. § 150-7-8