Section 246-919-345 - Limited physician and surgeon clinical experience license(1) The commission may issue a limited physician and surgeon clinical experience license to an applicant who does not qualify for licensure under RCW 18.71.050 or chapter 18.71B RCW and who does meet the requirements established in RCW 18.71.095(6) for the purpose of gaining clinical experience at an approved facility or program.(2) An appropriate medical practice, as referenced in RCW 18.71.095(6)(a), is a practice that meets the following criteria: (a) The practice is physically located in the state of Washington and is providing clinical care to Washington patients.(b) The practice falls within one of the following categories: (i) Is a practice setting within a federal system such as military, Indian health services, tribal health setting, or community health center; or(ii) Is a practice setting that: (A) Has three or more physicians for the purposes of delivering direct patient care; and(B) Has a quality review, improvement, and assurance program for practitioners.(3) Prior to commencing practice, a limited physician and surgeon clinical experience license holder must file a practice agreement with the commission.(4) To apply for a limited physician and surgeon clinical experience license, an applicant shall submit to the commission:(a) An application provided by the commission; and(b) Applicable fees as established in WAC 246-919-990.Wash. Admin. Code § 246-919-345
Adopted by WSR 22-22-038, Filed 10/25/2022, effective 11/25/2022