Wash. Admin. Code § 220-412-100

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 220-412-100 - Landowner hunting permits
(1) A landowner may enter into a contract with the department and establish boundaries and other requirements for hunter access consistent with commission policy.
(2) It is unlawful to participate in a landowner hunting permit (LHP) hunt without a landowner LHP permit from the landowner or a public LHP permit from the department for the species covered under the landowner's contract and possess an unfilled tag for said species. A violation of this section is punishable under RCW 77.15.410.
(3)Acceptance Guidelines
(a) LHP contracts must provide one or both of the hunting opportunities listed below for the public via landowner permits and public permits:

* Hunting opportunity that otherwise would not exist.

* Hunting opportunity that helps resolve chronic crop damage problems that have been documented by WDFW.

(b) WDFW may deny LHP applications that do not provide substantial public access benefit beyond the allotted WDFW public permit opportunity.

* For the purposes of this program, "substantial public benefit" will be defined as access for the general public to the property outside of the designated LHP permit season, for any of the following activities: General season or special permit hunting access for deer, elk, bear, cougar, sheep, goat, moose, upland game birds, turkey, waterfowl, dove or other nonhunting activities such as wildlife viewing or fishing. At a minimum, the LHP property should attempt to allow access for at least two types of recreational opportunity outside of the designated LHP permit seasons for deer and elk. Each LHP agreement must demonstrate a substantial public benefit to the citizens of the state and the wildlife resources of the area. For further information regarding public benefit, please refer to the standard operating procedure.

(c) Lands in a single LHP must have a minimum huntable acreage of 1,000 acres.

* Lands that are contiguous can span GMU boundaries.

* Lands that are not contiguous have to reside within the same GMU.

(d) Only 2 LHP contracts will be active at the same time in each WDFW district (Appendix B). If an LHP crosses district boundaries, the LHP will be considered to be in the district containing the majority of the land and/or hunting opportunity.
(e) WDFW will prioritize LHP applications that score the highest using the scoring matrix (Criteria - Appendix D in the standard operating procedure). In addition to LHP hunts, "no-fee" general public access opportunity is strongly encouraged (e.g., general deer, elk, turkey, upland hunting, or other opportunities as stated in (b) of this subsection). Special accommodations for hunters with disabilities, youth, seniors, and designated master hunters are also strongly encouraged, as well as "no-fee" access for special permit holders (e.g., elk, bear, moose and bighorn sheep).
(f) To ensure predictability for landowners, hunters, and WDFW, all landowners who enter into an LHP contract in April are required to abide by the conditions of the LHP contract for the term of the contract. Any changes in property ownership, total acreage or management practices on the land(s) enrolled in the LHP will require an amendment to the contract. WDFW reserves the right to alter conditions to the contract if an amendment is required. It is the responsibility of the landowner to inform the proper WDFW regional staff of any changes. Not providing accurate information may result in the termination of the contract.
(g) Landowners may only be involved in one LHP statewide.
(4)Program Guidelines
(a) Policy C-6002 divides hunting on LHP cooperator lands into public and landowner permit opportunities. Public opportunity is defined as permits that are drawn through the WDFW permit drawing system or are drawn through a public raffle. Landowner opportunity is defined as those permits allocated to and distributed by the LHP cooperator(s).
(b) No LHP permits for elk will be issued in those GMUs where branch-antlered bull elk hunting is by quality or bull elk special permits only.
(c) No LHP permits for deer will be issued in those GMUs where antlered deer hunting is by quality or buck deer special permits only.
(d) Landowners may sell access associated with the landowner portion of the permits, but then must waive the right to all claims for wildlife damage that may occur on their lands. Selling access may also affect landowner liability as described in RCW 4.24.200 and 4.24.210. It is the responsibility of the landowner to ensure they are protected against liability claims.
(e) WDFW will draw permits for public hunting opportunity through the licensing permit drawing system or through a public raffle. Public raffles must be conducted according to state laws and regulations including, but not limited to, WAC 220-412-050 and as outlined in the commission policy C-6002.
(f) Access to LHP property and associated hunting will be free of charge for individuals who draw a public LHP permit. Hunting opportunity (i.e., location, length of time, season of the hunt and hunting area) must be equivalent for public permit holders and landowner permit holders. Landowners not meeting this requirement will have their LHP contract voided. Landowners in an LHP may be required to provide evidence verifying equitability between both the public and landowner permits.
(g) Lands in an LHP contract will be identified on the WDFW website, along with other private and public hunting lands. The coopera-tor or WDFW may create additional detailed maps to better inform the public. Any additional maps or materials may also be posted on the WDFW website.
(h) LHP boundaries will be posted with WDFW approved signs in accordance with boundary posting requirements section of the standard operating procedure.
(i) LHP properties may not have fences that alter or prevent the natural movement of wildlife.
(j) All LHP permits are only valid within the identified LHP property boundaries. Any wildlife harvested outside the boundaries of the LHP using an LHP permit will be considered a "closed season" violation. LHP permits are not valid on private or public in-holdings that are not included in the LHP contract.
(k) Any cost to implement the program, other than costs typically covered by WDFW (e.g., WDFW staff time and LHP signage), will be the responsibility of the landowner.
(l) Damage prevention permits authorized under WAC 220-440-060 will be issued to LHP cooperators only if WDFW deems it necessary to control damage.
(m) All LHP contracts will be tied to the three-year season setting cycle.
(n) LHP permits will be allocated annually. WDFW regional staff will provide permit recommendations to the private lands section manager by November of each year.
(o) A cooperator who does not comply with their LHP contract may have their contract voided by the department. If their contract is voided, they will not be able to reapply until the next application cycle and forfeit any remaining permits to WDFW. If a contract is voided, the LHP property may be enrolled in another WDFW access program without having to wait until the next LHP application cycle.
(p) WDFW at its discretion may deny any LHP application for biological or social reasons.
(q) LHPs shall not be authorized in areas where other access opportunities may be jeopardized.
(r) Due to the limited availability of habitat funding, LHP properties will not be prioritized for any funding available to the private lands access program for the purposes of habitat enhancement, restoration or other habitat related activities. This does not include federal programs, where WDFW staff provide technical assistance.

Annual reports (Appendix C) will be required for all LHP properties. The annual report form will be mailed to the landowners with their LHP permits each year. Reports are due back to the private lands section manager no later than May 1st of the following year. Failing to mail/send completed annual reports may result in a delay in issuing permits the following hunting season. Chronic failure to submit reports will lead to voiding of the LHP contract.

(i) Buckrun is located in Grant County, near the town of Wilson Creek.
(ii) Hunting on Buckrun is managed for a quality experience by scheduling hunt dates and keeping the number of hunters in the field low. Hunters with limited flexibility for hunt dates may experience scheduling problems. Hunters can generally expect one-day hunts during the permit seasons with written authorization from the Buckrun manager. All hunters must check in and out with the landowner or their designee on hunt day. Hunts are scheduled on a first-come basis by calling 509-345-2577 in advance.
(b)Buckrun landowner hunting permits
(i) Buckrun's manager will distribute Buckrun's landowner hunting permits. Buckrun may charge an access fee for these permits, but not for winning raffle permits. Only hunters possessing a modern firearm deer tag are eligible for permits on Buckrun's properties. Contact the manager at 509-345-2577 for additional information.
(ii)Deer Seasons for the landowner portion of LHP permits:

Hunt Name


Access Season

Special Restrictions

Boundary Description



Sept. 1 - Dec. 31

Antlerless Mule Deer or any White-tailed Deer




Sept. 1 - Dec. 31

Any deer


Buckrun Raffle


Oct. 25 - Dec. 31

Any deer


(c)Buckrun public hunting permits
(i) Hunters must apply to the Washington department of fish and wildlife for Buckrun's special hunting permits. Only hunters possessing a modern firearm deer tag are eligible for these special permits. All hunters must check in and out with the landowner or their designee. Hunts must be scheduled in advance by calling 509-345-2577.
(ii)Deer Seasons for the public portion of the LHP permits:

Hunt Name

Permit Number

Permit Season

Special Restrictions

Boundary Description



Sept. 1 - Dec. 31



(a)Silver Dollar Association

The Silver Dollar Association is located in Yakima and Benton counties, on the western edge of the Hanford Reservation.

(b)Silver Dollar Association landowner hunting permits
(i) The Silver Dollar Association's manager will distribute the association's landowner hunting permits. The association may charge an access fee for these permits.
(ii)Elk Seasons for the landowner portion of the LHP permits:

Hunt Name


Access Season

Special Restrictions

Boundary Description

Silver Dollar


Aug. 1 - March 31

Any Elk

Silver Dollar

Silver Dollar


Aug. 1 - March 31


Silver Dollar

(c)Silver Dollar Association public hunting permits
(i) Hunters must apply to the department for the Silver Dollar Association's special hunting permits.
(ii)Elk Seasons for the public portion of the LHP permits:

Hunt Name

Permit Number


Permit Season

Special Restrictions

Boundary Description

Silver Dollar



Aug. 1 - March 31

Youth Only, Any Elk

Silver Dollar

Silver Dollar

Antlerless Elk



Aug. 1 - March 31

Youth Only, Antlerless Elk Only

Silver Dollar

Silver Dollar

Antlerless Elk



Aug. 1 - March 31

Persons of Disability Only, Antlerless Elk Only

Silver Dollar

(a)Blackrock Ranches

Blackrock Ranches is located in Yakima County west of the Hanford Reservation.

(b)Blackrock Ranches landowner hunting permits
(i) Blackrock Ranches' manager will distribute the ranches' landowner hunting permits. Blackrock Ranches may charge an access fee for these permits.
(ii)Elk Seasons for the landowner portion of the LHP permits:

Hunt Name


Access Season

Special Restrictions

Boundary Description

Blackrock Ranches


Aug. 1 - March 31

Any Elk

Blackrock Ranches

Blackrock Ranches


Aug. 1 - March 31


Blackrock Ranches

(c)Blackrock Ranches public hunting permits
(i) Hunters must apply to the department for Blackrock Ranches' special hunting permits. To apply, hunters must have an eastside elk tag.
(ii)Elk Seasons for the public portion of the LHP permits:

Hunt Name

Permit Number


Permit Season

Special Restrictions

Boundary Description

Blackrock Ranches



Aug. 1 - March 31

Any Elk

Blackrock Ranches

Blackrock Ranches



Aug. 1 - March 31

Antlerless Only

Blackrock Ranches

Blackrock Ranches



Aug. 1 - March 31

Youth Only, Any Elk

Blackrock Ranches

Blackrock Ranches



Aug. 1 - March 31

Youth Only, Antlerless Only

Blackrock Ranches

(a)Columbia Plateau Wildlife Management Association
(i) The Columbia Plateau Wildlife Management Association (CPWMA) landowner hunting permit area is located in Spokane County (GMU 130) near Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge.
(ii) Landowner permit hunts are primarily small ranch hunts but are managed for a quality experience by keeping the number of hunters in the field low.
(b)Columbia Plateau Wildlife Management Association landowner hunting permits
(i) CPWMA's manager will distribute the association's landowner hunting permits. CPWMA will not charge an access fee for raffle permit winners. Only hunters possessing an elk tag are eligible for permits on CPWMA's properties. All successfully drawn permit applicants must have written authorization from CPWMA's manager and must check in and out with CPWMA's designee at the beginning and ending of the scheduled hunting dates. Successful applicants will receive a packet of information with forms to complete and a map showing the hunt area. These applicants must complete the forms and return them before September 30. Applicants should see CPWMA's website at www.cpwma.org or contact the hunt manager at 509-263-4616. Holders of landowner permits selected through raffle, including 12 antlerless elk and 3 any bull elk permits, are eligible to purchase second elk tags that may only be used on lands included in the CPWMA LHP.
(ii)Elk Seasons for the landowner portion of the LHP permits:

Hunt Name


Access Season

Special Restrictions

Boundary Description



Jan. 1 - Mar. 31





Jan. 1 - Mar. 31

Any Bull


CPWMA Raffle 1


Jan. 1-31



CPWMA Raffle 2


Feb. 1-28



CPWMA Raffle 3


Mar. 1-31



CPWMA Raffle 4


Jan. 1 - Mar. 31

Any Bull


(c)Columbia Plateau Wildlife Management Association public hunting permits
(i) Hunters must apply to the department for CPWMA's special hunting permits. All successfully drawn permit applicants must have written authorization from CPWMA's manager and must check in and out with CPWMA's designee at the beginning and ending of the scheduled hunting dates. Successful applicants will receive a packet of required information with forms to complete and a map showing the hunt area. These applicants must complete the forms and return them before September 30. Applicants should see CPWMA's website at www.cpwma.org or contact the hunt manager at 509-263-4616.
(ii)Elk Seasons for the public portion of the LHP permits:

Hunt Name


Access Season

Special Restrictions

Boundary Description



Jan. 1 - Mar. 31

Any Bull


(a)Centralia Mine
(i) Centralia Mine landowner hunting permit area is located in Lewis and Thurston counties (GMU 667) on the Centralia Mine near Centralia.
(ii) The Centralia Mine is owned by TransAlta and is a federally mandated, closed access area. Hunters must be escorted by TranAlta employees to access the property. Public hunters that are drawn for permits are escorted to huntable areas on the mine by employees with TransAlta that volunteer their time.
(b)Centralia Mine landowner hunting permits
(i) TransAlta staff will distribute the Centralia Mine landowner hunting permits including to TransAlta staff that volunteer as guides for state disabled, senior and youth permit elk hunts. TransAlta volunteers using their permits will attempt to target limping cows to assist with Treponeme Associated Hoof Disease control.
(ii)Elk Seasons for the landowner portion of the LHP permits:

Hunt Name


Access Season

Special Restrictions

Boundary Description

Centralia Mine


Sept. 1 - Dec. 31


Centralia Mine

(c)Centralia Mine public hunting permits
(i) Hunters must apply to the department for Centralia Mine special hunting permits. To apply, hunters must have the required license/transport tag who are 65 years and older at some point during the license year for the senior hunts or be registered with the department as a hunter with a disability for the disabled hunts or meet the qualifications for youth hunting for the youth hunt. Due to landscape conditions, all hunters, regardless of tag type, are required to use a rifle during these hunts. Successful applicants will be contacted by TransAlta to arrange their hunt date and will receive a packet of logistical information from TransAlta about the hunt.
(ii)Elk Seasons for the public portion of the LHP permits:

Hunt Name


Access Season

Special Restrictions

Boundary Description

Centralia Mine


Sept. 1 - Oct. 15*

Senior only, Antlerless

Centralia Mine

Centralia Mine


Sept. 1 - Oct. 15*

Disabled only, Antlerless

Centralia Mine

Centralia Mine


Sept. 1 - Oct. 15*

Youth only, Any Bull

Centralia Mine

*Individuals selected for these hunts will be granted a single weekend within the listed time frame. Coordination with the hunt manager is required when selecting specific weekend dates.

Wash. Admin. Code § 220-412-100

Decodified by WSR 17-10-076, Filed 5/3/2017, effective 6/3/2017 Recodified from § 232-28-296
Amended by WSR 18-11-061, Filed 5/11/2018, effective 6/11/2018
Amended by WSR 19-10-011, Filed 4/19/2019, effective 5/20/2019
Amended by WSR 20-12-080, Filed 6/1/2020, effective 7/2/2020
Amended by WSR 21-14-022, Filed 6/28/2021, effective 7/29/2021
Amended by WSR 22-15-096, Filed 7/19/2022, effective 8/19/2022
Amended by WSR 23-11-118, Filed 5/22/2023, effective 6/22/2023
Amended by WSR 24-11-029, Filed 5/7/2024, effective 6/7/2024