Wash. Admin. Code § 220-412-090

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 220-412-090 - Multi-season deer and elk tags

Multi-season deer and elk tags allow hunters who draw and purchase those tags to hunt during more than one general season.

The department will conduct an annual drawing for multi-season tags.

(1) Multi-season deer and elk tags:
(a) To apply for multi-season deer and elk tags, applicants must purchase a multi-season application for deer and/or elk.
(b) The department will not refund or exchange applications for multi-season deer and elk after they submit the application.
(c) An applicant may purchase only one application for a multi-season tag for each species.
(d) Applicants will be randomly drawn by computer selection.
(e) Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
(f) Multi-season deer and elk drawings will be held in April.
(2) Multi-season tags:
(a) Hunters who are drawn will be required to purchase their multi-season tag by July 31.
(b) Multi-season tags are not transferable.
(c) Multi-season tags not purchased by successful applicants prior to August 1 may be made available for purchase to nonsuccessful applicants at the discretion of the department.
(3) Multi-season tag holders are required to follow all rules and restrictions, including bag limits, for general season hunters, for the species, within the game management unit or area hunted.

Number of Tags


Game Management Units (GMUs)

Legal Animal

Eligible Hunters

Multi-season Deer Tags


Sept. 1 - December 31 within general seasons and regulations established by the commission for deer

Statewide in those GMUs with general seasons for archery, muzzleloader, or modern firearm hunters

Any legal deer consistent with the game management unit or area restrictions

Any licensed deer hunter


Sept. 1 - December 31 within general seasons and regulations established by the commission for deer

Statewide in those GMUs with general seasons for archery, muzzleloader, or modern firearm hunters

Any legal deer consistent with the game management unit or area restrictions

Hunter education instructors meeting qualifications and selection criteria established by the department


Sept. 1 - December 31 within general seasons and regulations established by the commission for deer

Statewide in those GMUs with general seasons for archery, muzzleloader, or modern firearm hunters

Any legal deer consistent with the game management unit or area restrictions

Any licensed hunter that meets the eligibility requirements of the WDFW Chronic Wasting Disease Incentive Programa

Multi-season Elk Tags


Sept. 1 - December 31 within general seasons and regulations established by the commission for elk

Statewide in those GMUs with general seasons for archery, muzzleloader, or modern firearm hunters

Any legal elk consistent with the game management unit or area restrictions

Any licensed elk hunter


Sept. 1 - December 31 within general seasons and regulations established by the commission for elk

Statewide in those GMUs with general seasons for archery, muzzleloader, or modern firearm hunters

Any legal elk consistent with the game management unit or area restrictions

Hunter education instructors meeting qualifications and selection criteria established by the department

a To be eligible, hunters must have submitted their deer or elk for CWD sampling to WDFW staff during the preceding license year.

Wash. Admin. Code § 220-412-090

Decodified by WSR 17-05-112, Filed 2/15/2017, effective 3/18/2017. Recodified from § 232-28-294.
Amended by WSR 20-12-080, Filed 6/1/2020, effective 7/2/2020
Amended by WSR 23-23-161, Filed 11/21/2023, effective 12/22/2023

Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.32.450, and 77.32.370. 12-06-008 (Order 12-21), § 232-28-294, filed 2/24/12, effective 3/26/12. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.32.450, and 77.32.370. 11-01-041 (Order 10-313), § 232-28-294, filed 12/6/10, effective 1/6/11. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020, 77.12.570, 77.12.210, 77.12.150, 77.12.240. 09-09-083 (Order 09-53), § 232-28-294, filed 4/15/09, effective 5/16/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020. 08-01-052 (Order 07-292), § 232-28-294, filed 12/13/07, effective 1/13/08; 06-04-066 (Order 06-09), § 232-28-294, filed 1/30/06, effective 3/2/06.