Utah Admin. Code 746-700-50

Current through Bulletin 2024-12, June 15, 2024
Section R746-700-50 - Information for a General Rate Case Application for a Water Corporation

An applicant shall be in compliance with the reporting requirements of R746-400 prior to submitting an application for a general rate case. If the applicant is not in compliance with that rule, the applicant shall first submit any missing reports prior to submitting an application for a general rate case. An applicant submitting a general rate case application shall provide the following information with the application:

A. General Information:
1. Most recent Division of Drinking Water certification/report.
2. Certificate of Public Convenience and Need Number granted by the Commission and its date.
3. Date the utility started operation.
4. The number of connections approved and current area served, which may be shown by service area map.
5. Ownership and officers.
6. Associated companies (if any).
7. A copy of its current tariff.
B. Engineering Information.
1. Source of water supply
2. Information for all Wells
3. Mains and meters information
4. Reservoirs information
5. Storage capacity
6. Service deficiencies and remedies
7. Service quality
8. Additions or improvements in the last five years
9. Any anticipated additions or improvements
10. Efforts to encourage conservation
C. Customer Connection Information
1. Each connection identified by unique lot number or address
2. The date first put into service
3. Whether metered or unmetered.
4. Whether classified as residential or commercial
5. The water usage per month or billing cycle, showing minimum and overage gallons used
6. The amount billed per month or billing cycle
7. The anticipated growth, showing minimum and overage gallons used
8. Water usage and billings projected for the next three years
9. Information on any secondary/irrigation water system (the same information as C. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 above).
10. Identification whether secondary water is distributed through the culinary system.
D. Accounting and Financial Data, which shall include the prior two complete years and current up to the date of general rate case application, unless otherwise specified:
1. Identification (contact information) for any accountant used by the utility.
2. Copies of the General Ledger.
3. Copies of the Balance Sheet
4. Copies of the Income Statement
5. Pro Forma Income Statements, categorized by the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissions, NARUC, System of Accounts, to include:
a. the prior two years of revenues and expenses, and
b. the projected revenues and expenses for the next three years, to include the Company's anticipated growth rate and requested rate increase.
6. A copy of or the utility's check register
7. Billing documentation/reports, tied back to the tariff rates
8. Information on the utility plant, including, but not limited to:
a. Acquisition date,
b. Acquisition price or cost,
c. Salvage value,
d. Expected useful life,
e. Annual depreciation amount per asset,
f. Accumulated depreciation per asset and reconciled to the total accumulated depreciation amount to the most recent Annual Report. (If these amounts do not match the most recent Annual Report provide detailed explanations for any needed adjustments),
g. If an asset was donated, the amount applied to Contribution in Aid of Construction per asset,
h. If donated, the accumulated amortization of the Contribution in Aid of Construction per asset and reconciled to the total accumulated amortization amount to the most recent Annual Report. (If these amounts do not match the most recent Annual Report provide detailed explanations for any needed adjustments), and
i. Projected future asset purchases for the next three years, providing the estimated acquisition date and price.
9. Copies of tax returns for the prior two complete years,
10. Information on all Notes Payable, Loans, and other Obligations, This will include all outstanding and those retired within the past two years, including:
a. Interest rate,
b. Beginning date,
c. Date of last scheduled payment (the Loan pay-off date), and
d. Amount of payment
E. Customer Notice Information
1. A copy of any notice sent to customers notifying them that the utility is seeking a rate increase.

Utah Admin. Code R746-700-50