Utah Admin. Code 746-700-41

Current through Bulletin 2024-12, June 15, 2024
Section R746-700-41 - Cost of Service and Rate Design Information for a General Rate Case Application for a Telecommunications Corporation

An applicant shall file the following Cost of Service and Rate Design information with any general rate case application.

A. A Utah Class Cost of Service Study or alternative comparable class cost of service information based on the test period with supporting documentation including the development of allocation factors.
B. Its proposal for spreading any Utah revenue requirement change among the rate schedules. This will include the dollar and percentage revenue requirement change for each rate schedule.
C. Its proposed rates for each rate component of each rate schedule and the billing determinants for the test period for all rate components used to calculate revenues necessary to recover the proposed revenue requirement.
D. Its proposed tariff sheets for all terms, rates, charges fees, etc. for which it proposes changes.

Utah Admin. Code R746-700-41