Utah Admin. Code 746-365-2

Current through Bulletin 2024-12, June 15, 2024
Section R746-365-2 - Definitions
A. The meaning of terms used in these rules shall be consistent with their general usage in the telecommunications industry unless specifically defined in 54-8b-2, R746-348, or this rule. As used in this rule, unless context states otherwise, the following definitions shall apply:
1. "Affiliate" -- means, with respect to any telecommunications corporation, a person that directly or indirectly owns or controls, is owned or controlled by, or is under common ownership or control with, another person. For purposes of this subsection, the term "own" means to own an equity interest, or the equivalent, of more than ten percent.
2. "Blocking" -- means the occurrence of insufficient capacity between the end office or tandem of a telecommunications corporation and the end office or tandem of another telecommunications corporation, and includes a call not completed because of insufficient capacity usually evidenced by a fast busy signal or message that circuits are busy.
3. "Busy Hour" -- means the uninterrupted period of 60 minutes during the day when the traffic is at its maximum.
4. "Business Day" -- means any day other than Saturday, Sunday or other day on which commercial banks in Utah are authorized or required to close.
5. "CFR" -- means the Code of Federal Regulations.
6. "Commission" -- means the Public Service Commission of Utah.
7. "Competitive Local Exchange Carrier" (CLEC) -- means an entity certificated to provide local exchange services that does not otherwise qualify as an incumbent local exchange carrier.
8. "Delayed Service Order" -- means a written or electronic order for an essential interconnection service or facility that is not filled on or before the standard installation interval or the date specified in a FOC, whichever occurs first.
9. "End User" -- means the person, firm, partnership, corporation, municipality, cooperative, organization, or governmental agency purchasing the telecommunications service for its own use, and not for resale.
10. "FCC" -- means the Federal Communications Commission.
11. "Federal Act" -- means the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-104, 110 Stat. 56 (codified at 47 U.S.C. Section 151 et seq.).
12. "Firm Order Confirmation" (FOC) -- means notice provided by one telecommunications corporation to another in electronic or manual form of acceptance of a service order and the date that the service order will be completed.
13. "Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier" (ILEC) -- is defined as it is in R746-348, Interconnection.
14. "Interoffice Trunk Facilities" -- means the facilities, including transport, switching and cross- connect facilities, necessary for the transmission and routing of telephone exchange service between two end offices, or an end office and a tandem office.
15. "Local Exchange Carrier" -- means a telecommunications provider, authorized by the Commission, that provides local exchange service in a defined geographic service territory.
16. "Network Element" or "Network Facility" -- is defined as it is in R746-348-2. Interconnection.
17. "Order Completion Notification" (OCN) -- means notice provided by one telecommunications corporation to another in electronic or manual form that a service order has been completed.
18. "OSS Interface" -- means a system of communications links, computer hardware and software and associated equipment providing access into an ILEC's operational support systems for human-to-computer or computer-to- computer communication. This definition is conjunctive to the definition of "operational support" contained in R746-348-2, Interconnection.
19. "Service Order" -- means a written or electronic request for essential facilities or services made to effectuate 54-8b-2.2 and section 251 of the federal act.
20. "Trouble Report" -- means an oral, written or electronic report received by a telecommunications corporation from an end user of public telecommunications service, or, an oral, written or electronic report received by one telecommunications corporation from another who purchases essential facilities or services from the former. In either case, a Trouble Report communicates improper functioning of facilities over which the providing telecommunications corporation exercises control. A trouble report is used by telecommunications corporations to monitor repair and maintenance actions required for disposition of out-of-service or substandard service conditions.
21. "Wholesale Services" -- means essential services available to telecommunications corporations for the purpose of resale to end users.
22. "Wire Center" -- means a building that contains the necessary telecommunications facilities and functions to terminate, switch, route and interconnect local exchange, interoffice, and interexchange public telecommunication services.

Utah Admin. Code R746-365-2