Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R746-365-1 - General ProvisionsA. Application and Authority -- This rule shall apply to telecommunications corporations that are obligated to interconnect facilities and equipment for the mutual exchange of telecommunications traffic pursuant to 54-8b-2.2. 1. This rule provides service guidelines to ensure that telecommunications corporations, individually and jointly, will engineer, design, equip and provision an efficient public telecommunications network with attendant operational support systems and joint network planning processes that will:a. prevent impairment of public telecommunication services attributable to the provisioning of essential facilities and services used to provide local exchange service, including unreasonable blocking of telecommunications traffic carried by or exchanged between the networks of multiple telecommunications corporations;b. ensure that each incumbent local exchange carrier timely provides essential interconnection facilities and services to other telecommunications corporations that is at least equal in quality to that provided by the incumbent local exchange carrier to itself or to any of its subsidiaries or affiliates, or to any other carrier with whom the incumbent local exchange carrier interconnects, or provides interconnection facilities and services or that otherwise is adequate, efficient, just and reasonable.2. This rule defines guidelines relating to interconnection and the exchange of traffic that apply to all telecommunications carriers and further defines additional guidelines relating to interconnection and the exchange of traffic that apply only to incumbent local exchange carriers, as required by the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, 47 U.S.C. Section 251.3. This rule specifies network performance and service quality guidelines applicable to telecommunications corporations interconnecting pursuant to 54-8b-2.2 and upon which the Commission may rely in determining whether service is just, adequate, and reasonable.4. This rule establishes specific network monitoring and reporting obligations for incumbent local exchange carriers.5. Incumbent local exchange carriers with less than 50,000 access lines shall be exempt from this rule. If a carrier receives a bona fide request for interconnection made pursuant to the notice and exemption provisions of 47 U.S.C. Section 251(f), in the event the Commission determines that the requirements of Section 251(f)(1)(B) are met and the Commission terminates the exemption, the Commission may also consider what service standards shall apply to the incumbent local exchange carrier and may promulgate rules to implement applicable standards.6. The adoption of this rule by the Commission neither precludes subsequent amendment pursuant to applicable statutory procedures, nor the grant of a temporary exemption by the Commission as provided in R746-100-15, Deviation from Rules.Utah Admin. Code R746-365-1