Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R523-9-2 - Definitions(1) Evidence-based prevention includes programs, activities and strategies (hereinafter referred to as "interventions") that: (a) Are included in private or federal registries that identify evidence-based interventions proven to result in sustained positive benefits to individuals or communities.(b) Have been reported in peer-reviewed journals and with demonstrated positive effects on the primary targeted outcome; or(c) Have documented effectiveness supported by other sources of information and the consensus judgment of informed experts, and meet the following criteria: (i) The intervention is based on a theory of change that is documented in a clear logic or conceptual model; and(ii) The intervention is similar in content and structure to interventions that appear in registries and/or the peer-reviewed literature; and(iii) The intervention is supported by documentation that it has been effectively implemented in the past, and multiple times, in a manner attentive to scientific standards of evidence and with results that show a consistent pattern of credible and positive effects; and(iv) The intervention is reviewed and deemed appropriate by the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.(2) Evidence-informed prevention includes programs, activities and strategies (hereinafter referred to as "interventions"): (a) With documented effectiveness supported by other sources of information and the consensus judgment of informed experts; and(b) Have been reviewed by the DSAMH and determined to meet the criteria for listing on Utah's Statewide Registry of Evidence-based Programs.Utah Admin. Code R523-9-2
Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2016-2, effective 12/22/2015