Utah Admin. Code 315-273-32

Current through Bulletin 2024-12, June 15, 2024
Section R315-273-32 - Standards for Universal Waste Management, Standards for Large Quantity Handlers of Universal Waste - Notification
(1) Except as provided in Subsections R315-273-32(a)(2) and R315-273-32(a)(3), a large quantity handler of universal waste shall have sent written notification of universal waste management to the Director, and received an EPA Identification Number, before meeting or exceeding the 5,000 kilogram storage limit.
(2) A large quantity handler of universal waste who has already notified the Director of his hazardous waste management activities and has received an EPA Identification Number is not required to renotify under Section R315-273-32 except as required in Subsection R315-273-33(d)(3).
(3) A large quantity handler of universal waste who manages recalled universal waste pesticides as described in Subsection R315-273-3(a)(1) and who has sent notification to EPA as required by 40 CFR part 165 is not required to notify for those recalled universal waste pesticides under Section R315-273-32.
(b) This notification shall include:
(1) the universal waste handler's name and mailing address;
(2) the name and business telephone number of the person at the universal waste handler's site who should be contacted regarding universal waste management activities;
(3) the address or physical location of the universal waste management activities;
(4) a list of the types of universal waste managed by the handler, for example, batteries, pesticides, mercury-containing equipment, lamps, and aerosol cans; and
(5) a statement indicating that the handler is accumulating more than 5,000 kilograms of universal waste at one time.

Utah Admin. Code R315-273-32

Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2016-9, effective 4/15/2016
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2021-24, effective 12/9/2021