Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 97.200 - Employee Training Program(a) Components of program. The employee training program for the department consists of one or more of the following components: (1) Agency-sponsored training to include in-house training sessions and on-the-job training;(2) Formal training program conducted through the National Credit Union Administration as administrator of the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund.(3) Seminars and conferences; and(4) Formal course of study at an accredited institution of higher education .(b) In order for the cost of training and the time related to that training to be reimbursed by the department, the employee must demonstrate that the course has direct applicability to the employee's job with the department. Attendance at an approved training session described in subsection (a)(1)-(3) will be considered part of the employee's normal work duties and will not require the employee to use accrued leave to attend.(c) Requests to attend an external training program, seminar or conference pursuant to this section must be approved by the commissioner. Approval of a request is contingent upon availability of funds. If limited funds are available, and more than one employee wishes to participate, a decision regarding who will attend will be based upon the extent of their previous use of funds, the training's merit and its value to the department's operations.(d) Continuing education courses. Continuing education courses required by licensing or certifying bodies for employees to maintain a professional license or designation will only be reimbursed if such courses relate directly to the employee's job duties with the department and there are funds available.(e) Tuition reimbursement. The Commissioner must authorize in writing the reimbursement of tuition in accordance with this subsection. (1) The department may reimburse full-time employees for part or all of tuition and required fees for formal courses of study described in subsection (a)(4) provided the eligibility criteria set forth below are met. (A) An employee must have completed 24 consecutive months of full-time employment with the department prior to requesting approval to receive tuition reimbursement. However, the 24-month requirement may be waived if the commissioner finds that the employee needs a particular course to fulfill his or her work duties.(B) An employee must be performing consistently above that normally expected or required and must have achieved an overall performance rating of at least 3.50 on the employee's most recent performance evaluation.(C) An employee must not have been subject to formal disciplinary action for at least twelve months prior to requesting approval. As used in this section, "disciplinary action" includes a formal written reprimand, suspension without pay, or salary reduction for disciplinary reasons.(D) The course work must be related to a current or prospective duty assignment within the department.(E) An employee, before the course begins, must agree in writing to the repayment requirement stated in this subsection.(F) At the time of the request for approval to receive tuition reimbursement, comparable training must not be scheduled to be offered in-house or through the National Credit Union Administration during the period of time covered by the tuition reimbursement.(G) The employee's participation must not adversely affect workload or performance.(H) The employee must complete the course within the semester for which tuition reimbursement was requested.(I) The employee must receive a passing grade in the course. A passing grade is a grade which will entitle the employee to receive credit for the course from the educational institution offering the course.(2) Reimbursable costs. Criteria addressing the extent to which cost of tuition may be reimbursed are as follows: (A) The maximum amount an employee may be reimbursed for an approved tuition reimbursement request is $250 per semester, not to exceed $500 per fiscal year. The maximum amount of reimbursement may be increased up to $400 per semester for good cause shown upon approval by the commissioner.(B) Reimbursable costs include tuition, related fees, and required textbooks and workbooks. Employees will not be reimbursed for auditing a course.(C) Costs described in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph will be paid to the employee at the completion of the course upon the employee submitting proof that the course was completed and a passing grade was received.(3) Repayment. Should an employee separate from department service within 12 months of completion of the course, the employee must reimburse the department for all reimbursable costs expended by the department for that course in accordance with § RSA 656.103 of the Texas Government Code (relating to Restrictions on Certain Training Costs). The commission may adopt an order waiving this requirement upon finding that such action is in the best interest of the department or is warranted because of an extreme personal hardship suffered by the employee.(4) Prohibition on use of state resources. Employees may not use department equipment, such as computers, calculators or typewriters to complete course work7 Tex. Admin. Code § 97.200
The provisions of this §97.200 adopted to be effective February 16, 2000, 25 TexReg 1099; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 41, Number 30, July 22, 2016, TexReg 5415, eff. 7/31/2016