22 Tex. Admin. Code § 219.3

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 219.3 - Program Development, Closure, and Transfer of Administrative Control
(a) New Programs.
(1) Proposal to develop an advanced practice registered nursing education program.
(A) A college or university regionally accredited by an agency recognized by the THECB is eligible to submit a proposal to develop a new advanced practice registered nursing education program.
(B) The process to establish a new advanced practice registered nursing education program shall be initiated by a letter of intent from the educational institution to the Board office. The timeline for proposal development is one (1) year from the date of receipt of the initial proposal draft in the Board office .
(C) The individual writing the proposal for a new advanced practice registered nursing education program shall be the proposed dean/director and shall meet the qualifications for the program dean/director, as specified in § 219.6 of this chapter (relating to Administration and Organization).
(D) Sufficient nursing faculty with appropriate expertise shall be in place for development of the curriculum component of the program.
(E) The proposal shall include information outlined in Board Education Guidelines 3.1.1.e. Proposal to Establish a New Advanced Practice Registered Nursing Education Program .
(F) After the proposal is submitted and determined to be complete , a preliminary survey visit shall be conducted by Board staff prior to presentation to the Board.
(G) The proposal shall be considered by the Board following a public hearing at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board. The Board may approve the proposal and grant initial approval to the new program, may defer action on the proposal, or may deny further consideration of the proposal.
(H) The program may not enroll students until the Board approves the proposal and grants initial approval.
(I) Prior to presentation of the proposal to the Board, evidence of approval from the appropriate regulatory agencies shall be provided.
(J) When the proposal is submitted, an initial approval fee shall be assessed per § 223.1 of this title (related to Fees) .
(K) A proposal without action for one (1) calendar year shall be considered withdrawn. A new proposal application and fee, as set forth in § 223.1 of this title (relating to Fees), will be required to begin the new proposal process again.
(L) If the Board denies a proposal, the educational institution must wait a minimum of twelve (12) calendar months from the date of the denial before submitting a new proposal to establish an advanced practice registered nursing education program.
(2) Survey visits shall be conducted, as necessary, by Board staff until full accreditation by a Board recognized national nursing education accrediting body is granted.
(b) Transfer of Administrative Control by Governing Institutions. The authorities of the governing institution shall notify the Board office in writing of an intent to transfer the administrative authority of the program. This notification shall follow Board Education Guideline 3.1.3.a. Notification of Transfer of Administrative Control of a Professional Nursing Education Program or a Professional Nursing Education Program by the Governing Entity.
(c) Closing a Program or Portion Thereof.
(1) When the decision to close a program or portion thereof has been made, the dean or director shall notify the Board by submitting a written plan for closure that includes the following:
(A) reason for closing the program or portion thereof;
(B) date of intended closure ;
(C) academic provisions for students to complete the advanced practice registered nursing education program and teach-out arrangements that have been approved by the appropriate Texas agency (i.e., the THECB, the TWC, or the Board);
(D) provisions made for access to and safe storage of vital school records, including transcripts of all graduates; and
(E) methods to be used to maintain requirements and standards until the program or portion thereof closes.
(2) The program or portion thereof shall continue within standards until all students enrolled in the advanced practice registered nursing education program at the time of the decision to close have graduated. In the event this is not possible, a plan must be developed whereby students may transfer to other accredited or approved programs.

22 Tex. Admin. Code § 219.3

The provisions of this §219.3 adopted to be effective September 13, 2001, 26 TexReg 6889; amended to be effective January 8, 2008, 33 TexReg 184; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 43, Number 49, December 7, 2018, TexReg 7894, eff. 12/9/2018