22 Tex. Admin. Code § 219.2

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 219.2 - Definitions

The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

(1) Accredited program--A program that has been determined to have met the standards set by a national advanced practice registered nursing education accrediting body recognized by the Board.
(2) Advanced practice registered nurse--A registered nurse authorized by the Board to practice as an advanced practice registered nurse based on completing an advanced practice registered nursing education program acceptable to the Board. The term includes a nurse practitioner, nurse-midwife, nurse anesthetist, and a clinical nurse specialist. The advanced practice registered nurse is prepared to practice in an expanded role to provide health care to individuals, families, and/or groups in a variety of settings including, but not limited to homes, hospitals, institutions, offices, industry, schools, community agencies, public and private clinics, and private practice. The advanced practice registered nurse acts independently and/or in collaboration with other health care professionals in the delivery of health care services.
(3) Advanced practice registered nursing education program--A post-basic advanced practice registered nursing education program at or beyond the master's level.
(4) Affiliating agency--Agencies outside the institution that are utilized in providing learning experiences for the students.
(5) Approved advanced practice registered nursing education program--An advanced practice registered nursing education program approved by the Texas Board of Nursing.
(6) Board--The Texas Board of Nursing composed of members appointed by the Governor for the State of Texas.
(7) Clinical learning experiences--Faculty planned and guided learning experiences that involve direct contact with patients or simulation designed to assist students to meet the stated program and course outcomes and to safely apply knowledge and skills when providing advanced practice registered nursing care to clients as appropriate to the role expectations of the graduates .
(8) Course--Organized subject content and related activities, that may include face-to-face and/or online didactic, laboratory, and/or clinical experiences planned to achieve specific objectives within a given time period.
(9) Curriculum--Course offerings that, in aggregate, make up the total learning activities in a program of study.
(10) Diagnosis and management course--A course offering both didactic and clinical content in clinical decision-making and aspects of medical diagnosis and medical management of diseases and conditions. Supervised clinical practice must include the opportunity to provide pharmacological and non-pharmacological management of diseases and conditions considered within the full scope of practice of the advanced practice registered nurse's role and population focus area of licensure.
(11) Didactic learning experiences--Any faculty-guided learning activities that take place in the classroom, learning resource center, skills laboratory, or similar settings, or by distance education.
(12) Director--A registered nurse responsible for the administration of the advanced practice registered nursing education program who meets the requirements as stated in § 219.6(f) of this chapter (relating to Administration and Organization).
(13) Faculty member--An individual employed or appointed to teach in the advanced practice registered nursing education program who meets the requirements as stated in § 219.7 of this chapter (related to Faculty Qualification and Faculty Organization).
(14) Governing institution--A college or university responsible for the administration and operation of the program.
(15) Objectives/Outcomes--Clear statements of expected behaviors that are attainable and measurable.
(A) Program Objectives/Outcomes--Broad statements describing student learning outcomes achieved upon graduation .
(B) Clinical Objectives/Outcomes--Statements describing expected student behaviors throughout the curriculum that represent progression of students' cognitive, affective and psychomotor achievement in clinical practice across the curriculum.
(C) Course Objectives/Outcomes--Statements describing expected behavioral changes in the learner upon successful completion of specific curriculum content that serve as the mechanism for evaluation of student progression.
(16) Philosophy/Mission--Statement of concepts expressing fundamental values and beliefs regarding human nature as they apply to advanced practice registered nursing education and practice and upon which the curriculum is based.
(17) Practicum--That portion of the program consisting of clinical experiences for the purpose of integrating theory with practice, including, but not limited to, preceptorship and/or residency and integration.
(18) Program of study--The courses and learning experiences that constitute the requirements for completion of an advanced practice registered nursing education program.
(19) Qualified preceptor--An advanced practice registered nurse, physician, or other health care professional acceptable to the Board who meets the following requirements:
(A) Holds an active, unencumbered license;
(B) Is in current practice in the advanced role and population focus area;
(C) Is committed to the concept of the advanced practice registered nurse; and
(D) Functions as a supervisor and teacher and evaluates the student's performance in the clinical setting.
(20) Recommendation--A specific suggestion based upon program assessment that is indirectly related to the rules to which the program must respond but in a method of their choosing.
(21) Requirement--mandatory criterion based upon program assessment that is directly related to the rules that must be addressed in the manner prescribed.
(22) Shall--Denotes mandatory requirements.
(23) Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB)--The state agency described in Texas Education Code, Title 3, Subchapter B, chapter 61.
(24) Unencumbered license--A license that does not have stipulations against it.

22 Tex. Admin. Code § 219.2

The provisions of this §219.2 adopted to be effective September 13, 2001, 26 TexReg 6889; amended to be effective January 8, 2008, 33 TexReg 184; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 43, Number 49, December 7, 2018, TexReg 7894, eff. 12/9/2018