Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0250-07-04-.07

Current through June 26, 2024
Section 0250-07-04-.07 - PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION
(1) The program must have a written non-discrimination policy with regard to sex, race, religion, sexual preference, national origin, disability, age, or marital status in administering the program and in determining eligibility for and provision of service.
(2) Each program must have written rules, regulations and statement of rights which are given to shelter residents and made available to nonresidents as appropriate as part of the intake process. These should include:
(a) an explanation of services available;
(b) house rules, as appropriate;
(c) confidentiality;
(d) reasons and process for termination from program;
(e) program length of stay, availability of extension, and the process for re-entry to program;
(f) policy and procedures for child abuse reporting; and adult abuse reporting;
(g) grievance procedures.
(3) Termination of Shelter/Services to Individuals. Program policy regarding termination must require:
(a) notification to the individual in writing and verbally of decision, reasons for termination and right and process of appeal;
(b) notification, in writing, of services available from program to facilitate termination process;
(c) the knowledge and approval of the program director or designee for all terminations.
(4) Grievance Procedures. Program policy regarding grievances shall require:
(a) procedures which clearly describe the lines of decision-making for appeals;
(b) appeals to be submitted in writing within 24 hours of the event;
(c) response to an appeal at each level to be within 24 hours and in writing;
(d) a copy of the grievance, supportive information and disposition of the appeal be maintained in the individual's file.
(5) Confidentiality. Program policy regarding confidentiality must require:
(a) The shelter program to have written policy regarding the disclosure of information about any program participant. This policy will specify procedure regarding release of client information to include who may release information, what types of information may be released, to what resources the information may be released, and under what conditions information may be released.
(b) Prior written consent of the program participant to release any information is required except under four conditions:
1. disclosure for medical emergency;
2. disclosure to legal guardian of a program participant who has been legally declared incompetent;
3. disclosure for reporting of child abuse or adult abuse; and
4. disclosure required by subpoena or for monitoring and auditing purposes.
(6) Evaluation.
(a) The shelter program must provide a mechanism for participant evaluation of services, provided.
(b) The shelter program must provide for an annual evaluation of their established goals and objectives.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0250-07-04-.07

Original rule filed May 23, 1986; effective June 22, 1986. Rule assigned a new control number, removed, and renumbered from 1240-7-4-.07 filed and effective March 25, 1999.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-226(b)(2), 14-33-103, 37-5-101, 37-5-105, 37-5-106, 37-5-112(a), 71-1-105(12), and 71-6-203(7).