Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0080-02-01-.08

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 0080-02-01-.08 - SHEEP
(1) Import. Any person in possession of sheep being imported into the state shall, prior to import:
(a) Permanently and individually identify the sheep by a method approved under 9 C.F.R. Parts 54 and 79 such that the animal may be traced to its flock of origin;
(b) Have in his possession an official certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI) for the sheep. However, no CVI shall be required for any sheep if its entire imported lot is consigned directly to slaughter; and,
(c) Comply with 0080-02-01-.02.
(2) Movement. Any person in possession of sheep being moved within the state shall, prior to movement:
(a) Permanently and individually identify the sheep by a method approved under 9 C.F.R. Parts 54 and 79 such that the animal may be traced to its flock of origin; and,
(b) Comply with 0080-02-01-.02.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0080-02-01-.08

Original rule certified June 4, 1974. Repeal by Public Chapter 261. New rule filed June 20, 1983; effective July 20, 1983. Emergency rules filed August 30, 2006; effective through February 11, 2007. Amendment filed August 30, 2006; effective December 29, 2006. Amendment filed June 3, 2010; effective November 28, 2010. Amendments filed March 30, 2017; effective 6/28/2017.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-3-203 and 44-2-102.