Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0080-02-01-.07

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 0080-02-01-.07 - SWINE
(1) Commercial Production Swine
(a) Breeding and Feeder Swine
1. Breeding and feeder swine transported into or through the state of Tennessee shall be individually identified to the farm of origin by an official coded metal ear tag or other official means as set forth in 9 C.F.R. 71; and
2. Except by permission of the state veterinarian, be accompanied by an official certificate of veterinary inspection.
(b) Additional Requirements for Breeding Swine
1. Brucellosis
(i) Breeding Swine transported into or through the state of Tennessee shall:
(I) Be accompanied by proof that such swine tested negative on an official test for Brucellosis conducted not more than thirty (30) days prior to entering the state; or
(II) Have originated directly from a Validated Brucellosis-Free Herd and have a certificate of veterinary inspection listing the herd validation number; or
(III) Have originated directly from a Validated Brucellosis-Free State.
2. Pseudorabies
(i) Breeding Swine transported into or through the state of Tennessee shall:
(I) Be accompanied by proof that such swine tested negative on an official test for Pseudorabies conducted not more than thirty (30) days prior to entering the state, and by proof that such swine originated from a herd not known to be infected with Pseudorabies during the twelve (12) month period immediately preceding the entry of such swine; or
(II) Have originated directly from a Qualified Pseudorabies-Negative Herd and have a certificate of veterinary inspection identifying such herd; or
(III) Have originated directly from a herd in a Pseudorabies Stage IV or Stage V State.
3. Post-Entry Testing for Brucellosis and Pseudorabies
(i) Breeding swine are subject to surveillance testing for Brucellosis and Pseudorabies within sixty (60) days after entering the state, at the discretion of the state veterinarian.
(c) Additional Requirements for Feeder Swine
1. Feeder swine imported into Tennessee shall be identified in accordance with 9 C.F.R. 71.19.
2. Pseudorabies
(i) Feeder swine transported into or through the state of Tennessee shall:
(I) Have tested negative for Pseudorabies not more than thirty (30) days prior to entering the state; or
(II) Have originated from a Pseudorabies-Monitored Feeder Pig Herd; or
(III) Have originated from a Qualified Pseudorabies-Negative Herd; or
(IV) Have originated from a Pseudorabies Stage III, IV, or V state.
(d) Commercial Production Swine for Exhibition - Import requirements for commercial production swine that have been brought into Tennessee for exhibition purposes are the same as those for breeding swine, except that:
1. Barrows are exempt from Brucellosis testing.
2. Swine that have been entered in events where all swine on the premises will be consigned to slaughter upon leaving the event are exempt from Brucellosis and Pseudorabies testing.
(2) Slaughter Swine
(a) Slaughter swine transported into or through the state of Tennessee shall be accompanied by a transportation document, except that this requirement shall not apply to such swine moved directly from the farm of origin by the producer or his agent.
(b) No slaughter swine shall be imported from any area where swine are under a state or federal quarantine except by the permission of the Tennessee state veterinarian.
(3) Transitional Production Swine
(a) Prior to entering the state, Transitional Production Swine shall:
1. Have an entry permit from the Tennessee state veterinarian's office;
2. Be accompanied by an official certificate of veterinary inspection;
3. Bear official, individual identification as set forth in 9 C.F.R. 71; and
(i) Have evidence that such swine tested negative on official tests for Pseudorabies and Brucellosis conducted within thirty (30) days prior to entering the state; or
(ii) Have originated from a Validated Brucellosis-Free and Qualified Pseudorabies-Negative herd that has maintained such statuses through testing;
(b) Upon order of the state veterinarian, transitional production swine shall be quarantined at the swine's destination and retested within thirty to sixty (30-60) days of entering the state.
(4) Sporting Swine
(a) Except by permission of the state veterinarian, prior to entering the state, sporting swine shall:
1. Have an entry permit from the Tennessee state veterinarian's office;
2. Be accompanied by an official certificate of veterinary inspection;
3. Bear official, individual identification as set forth in 9 C.F.R. 71; and
(i) Have proof that such swine tested negative on official tests for Pseudorabies and Brucellosis conducted within thirty (30) days prior to entering the state; or
(ii) Have originated from a Validated Brucellosis-Free and Qualified Pseudorabies-Negative herd that has maintained such statuses through testing;
(b) Upon order of the state veterinarian, sporting swine shall be quarantined at the swine's destination and retested within sixty (60) days of entering the state.
(5) Pet Swine
(a) Except by permission of the state veterinarian, prior to entering the state, Pet Swine shall:
1. Have an entry permit from the Tennessee state veterinarian's office;
2. Be accompanied by an official certificate of veterinary inspection;
3. Bear official, individual identification as set forth in 9 C.F.R. 71; and
(i) Have evidence of negative Pseudorabies and Brucellosis tests taken within thirty (30) days prior to entering the state; or
(ii) Have originated from a Validated Brucellosis-Free and Qualified Pseudorabies-Negative herd that has maintained such statuses through testing;
(b) Upon order of the state veterinarian, pet swine shall be quarantined at the swine's destination and retested within sixty (60) days of entering the state.
(6) Wild appearing swine.
(a) Wild appearing swine means swine that in their adult stage are typically two to three feet in height and three and one-half to five feet in length, with some or all of the following characteristics in comparison to domestic swine:
1. Larger heads;
2. Smaller, more pointed, and more heavily furred ears;
3. Heavier shoulders and smaller hips, producing a silhouette similar to that of an American bison;
4. Longer, thinner snouts;
5. Straighter tails more tufted at the tip;
6. Upper tusks that curl up and out, rubbing a knifelike edge against the lower tusks.
(b) Import. Any person in possession of wild appearing swine being imported into the state shall, prior to import, identify each animal with USDA-approved metal tags or other identification approved by the state veterinarian and have in their possession the following for each animal:
1. A certificate of veterinary inspection from a USDA accredited veterinarian; and,
2. Proof of negative testing for Pseudorabies and Brucellosis, conducted within 30 days prior to the animal's import or proof that the animal originated from a herd that is both Validated Brucellosis-Free, as considered under 9 C.F.R. §78.1, and Qualified Pseudorabies-Negative, as considered under 9 C.F.R. §85.1;
(c) Movement. Any person in possession of wild appearing swine being moved within the state shall, prior to movement, identify each animal with USDA-approved metal tags or other identification approved by the state veterinarian and have in their possession at least one of the following for each animal:
1. A certificate of veterinary inspection from a USDA accredited veterinarian;
2. Proof of negative testing for Pseudorabies and Brucellosis, conducted within 90 days prior to the animals' movement within the state;
3. Proof that the animal originated from a herd that is both Validated Brucellosis-Free, as considered under 9 C.F.R. §78.1, and Qualified Pseudorabies-Negative, as considered under 9 C.F.R. §85.1; or,
4. Movement authorization from the state veterinarian's office, issued in the discretion of the department for movement of the animals to a slaughter facility or market.
(d) Exemptions. This rule shall not apply to any wild appearing swine if the entire lot of swine is consigned directly to slaughter or immediately for sale at an approved livestock market, provided that each swine is identified with USDA-approved metal tags or other identification approved by the state veterinarian.
(7) General Disease Requirements - Except by permission of the Tennessee state veterinarian, no swine shall be imported from any state where foreign swine diseases are known to exist, or where any portion of a state of origin is under state or federal quarantine for any disease.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0080-02-01-.07

Original rule certified June 4, 1974. Repeal by Public Chapter 261. New rule filed June 20, 1983; effective July 20, 1983. Amendment filed November 1, 1986; effective December 25, 1986. Amendment filed September 14, 1999; effective January 28, 2000. Emergency rule filed September 2, 2009; effective through March 1, 2010. Emergency rule filed September 2, 2009 expired; rule reverted to its previous status effective March 2, 2010. Amendment filed June 3, 2010; effective November 28, 2010. Amendments filed March 30, 2017; effective 6/28/2017.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-3-203 and 44-2-102.