880 R.I. Code R. 880-RICR-00-00-4.12

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 880-RICR-00-00-4.12 - Landscaping Standards
A. All landscaping improvements shall be installed and completed in accordance with a Landscape Plan as submitted and approved by the TRC. A Landscaping Plan must be submitted for each site as part of the review process. The goal of the TRC is to work with the developer to achieve a landscape design for the parcel which incorporates the site and improvements into the surrounding environment.
1. Landscape Plan
a. A Landscape Plan shall be submitted to the TRC as part of the Development Plan Review process detailed in § 4.8 of this Part. The Landscape Plan shall include information regarding the type and location of existing and proposed landscape elements including: decorative plantings, trees, shrubs, grassed areas, screen plantings and the location of fencing, lighting and signage for buildings and parking areas.
(1) Proposed grading at two-foot contour intervals;
(2) Proposed location of retained vegetation and description of the vegetation to be retained;
(3) Methods of protection for retained vegetation during the construction phase;
(4) List of proposed plantings and general locations;
(5) Details for screening as required in § 4.12(A)(4) of this Part;
(6) Details for buffering as required in § 4.12(A)(8) including cross-section profiles of any buffers between properties at a frequency of no less than one (1) cross-section per one hundred (100) linear feet of property line;
(7) Identification of any landscaped areas that will be used for stormwater management including details and specifications for vegetated practices such as swales, constructed wetlands, rain gardens, etc.; as required by 250-RICR- 150-10-7;
(8) Specifications for cultivation, loaming, seeding, and fertilization that demonstrate compliance with these Regulations and required by the "Rhode Island Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Amended August 2013, § 701.02.5 Bedding Materials", incorporated above in § 4.3(E) of this Part.
b. The Landscape Plan shall be developed as a total plan for the site, which incorporates the various elements of the site design, preserving and enhancing the particular identity of the site, and creating a character that is cohesive to the landscape aesthetic of the Park.
c. Landscaping may include plant materials such as trees, shrubs, ground covers, perennials, annuals, and other materials such as rocks, water, sculpture, art, walls, fences, paving materials and street furniture.
d. Street tree plantings from the edge of the road to the property line will be installed and maintained as a part of the common area of the Park by the QDC. All landscape installation within the individual parcels is the responsibility of the parcel owner/tenant.
2. Plant Selection
a. Plant varieties shall be selected for long term resistance to drought, moisture, salt, urban conditions, insects or pests depending on the location of landscaping and the specific stressors anticipated for different areas of the site. Plants should be selected so that landscaping can be maintained with minimal care and the need for watering, pesticides or fertilizers is minimized or eliminated;
b. Landscape professionals are encouraged refer to the Development Regulation's Guidance document for a link to the URI Cooperative Extension's Rhode Island Coastal Plant Guide, as well as other current standards for nursery stock/species when selecting plant varieties for landscaping;
c. Under no circumstances shall any plant be selected that appears on the most recent listing of invasive species as published by the Rhode Island Invasive Species Council;
d. Caliper measurements and root ball specifications for all trees and shrubs shall conform to the American Standard for Nursery Stock ANSI Z 60.1-2004, incorporated above in § 4.3(H) of this Part;
e. Shade or canopy trees shall not be less than twelve (12) feet in planted height above grade;
f. Small or minor shade trees shall not be less than ten (10) feet in planted height above grade;
g. Ornamental or flowering fruit trees shall not be less than ten (10) feet in planted height above grade;
h. Evergreen trees used for screening shall not be less than six (6) feet in planted height above grade;
i. Trees shall be selected to encourage a continuous canopy to the greatest extent practical;
j. Lawn seed mixes shall be drought resistant. To achieve a high level of drought tolerance, lawn mixes may include, but shall not be limited to, a predominance of fine fescues.
3. Site Protection, Planting and Cultivation
a. Topsoil suitable for landscaping shall be retained on site in an amount as determined as part of the required landscape plan. To the maximum extent practicable, the developer shall minimize the areas of the site to be regraded or disturbed. Topsoil exposed during construction shall be protected through stabilization measures consistent with the Rhode Island Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, incorporated above in § 4.3(F) of this Part.
b. All organic material, rubbish, potentially harmful materials or debris shall be removed from the site in a timely fashion. Disposal of cleared, grubbed and stripped materials shall be the responsibility of the developer. All roots, stumps, brush, foliage and other vegetation that have been cleared or excavated shall be removed and disposed of by the developer of the project site.
c. No filling, excavation or material storage shall occur within four (4) feet of any shrub or the dripline of any tree that will be retained. Protective barriers shall be installed to protect the area surrounding retained vegetation and shall be a minimum of three (3) feet high and constructed of durable material. Snow fences and silt fences are examples of acceptable barriers.
d. Parking of construction vehicles, offices/trailers, stockpiling of equipment/materials, etc. shall take place in areas designated for permanent structures or other impervious surfaces.
e. Landscaping of all cut and fill areas and/or terraces shall be sufficient to prevent erosion and all roadway side slopes greater than 1:3 shall be planted with vegetated ground cover appropriate for the purpose of erosion control and for the soil conditions and environment. The use of erosion control fabric or mats shall be utilized when appropriate.
f. In all areas where landscaping is to be provided and topsoil is to be removed for the purposes of site development and/or grading, topsoil shall be restored and shall contain a minimum of 5% organic matter for turf areas and 10% for trees and shrubs. The minimum depth of any restored topsoil shall be six (6) inches.
g. Where pre-existing topsoil will be used for landscaping, such soil shall be cultivated to a depth of six (6) inches.
h. Cultivated areas shall be covered with not less than a two (2) inch deep layer of mulch after planting where weed control is required. Mulch should be natural, unpainted, unstained, and designed to retain moisture where applied. Mulching around plantings shall not cover the base of plants or the root zone in a manner that encourages damage from excessive moisture. Wood chip mulch shall not be allowed.
i. Pit cultivation for all trees shall be 2.5 times the diameter of the root ball and a depth equal to the same. Holes for trees shall be prepared in a manner that facilitates grow-in of new trees through the use of best practices.
j. Trees and other landscaping shall be staked as necessary and provisions shall be made by the developer for adequate watering and maintenance until the plantings are established.
4. Screening
a. Screening shall be provided for all development of land in order to minimize adverse visual impacts.
b. Where there is adequate land, screening shall incorporate vegetation at a variety of heights so that trees and plantings can be used in a complementary manner to the remaining portions of the property.
c. Parking lots and loading areas shall be screened from the street.
d. Parking lots shall be interrupted by shade trees and planting islands to allow no more than 150 feet of continuous asphalt paving surface.
e. Solid waste collection equipment, surface mounted transformers, pump stations, outdoor storage and other outdoor uses visible from a public street shall be screened by a buffer strip with minimum width of three (3) feet along the sides and back of the areas and shall be planted with evergreen trees and shrubs and/or screened by a five-foot solid fence. Evergreen shrubs shall be spaced so that adjacent plants are touching at time of planting.
5. Walls and Fences
a. Walls and fences shall be erected where required for privacy, screening, separation, security, erosion control or to serve other necessary and reasonable functions.
b. No fence or wall shall be so constructed or installed as to constitute a hazard to traffic or safety.
c. All fences shall be constructed of manufactured metal fencing material, wood, masonry or other inert material, and be functional and compatible with the existing and proposed architecture. Wooden posts shall be treated with a preservative before being placed in the ground. Unless otherwise specified, barbed wire fence is prohibited.
d. Fences used as part of screening between Park properties and existing residential districts shall be compatible with a residential setting in design and materials.
e. Security fences may be permitted and/or required at the discretion of the TRC.
6. Mixed Use Development / Waterfront Non-Industrial Use / Light Industrial
a. To the extent possible, existing natural conditions such as mature trees and topographic features shall be preserved.
b. It is encouraged to have all unpaved areas planted with sustainable plant material. Groundcover or other low-lying species are preferred over turf.
c. The front yard landscaped with street trees, ornamental plants, and groundcover to within ten (10) feet of a public roadway is preferred.
d. Landscape elements shall not restrict visibility of signs or sight distances for vehicular access.
e. It is preferred that a minimum of ten (10) feet of side and rear yards be landscaped with trees, shrubs and groundcover if the parcel does not adjoin an open space area.
f. Screening of parking lots, loading areas, surface mounted transformers, and waste receptacles from the street and adjacent properties is required.
g. Chain link fences are not permitted except for security.
7. General Industrial and Waterfront Industrial
a. The front yard landscaped with street trees, ornamental plants, and groundcover to within thirty (30) feet of a public roadway is preferred.
b. A minimum of ten (10) feet of side and rear yards shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs and groundcover where the lot line is on a public street, if possible.
8. Buffers and Natural Features
a. Buffers and natural features are encouraged throughout the Park to enhance visual image of the Park.
b. A vegetated buffer consisting of evergreen shrubs, shade trees, ornamental plants and groundcover shall be maintained along the northern perimeter of the Park from Post Road to Marine Road. This buffer may include a multi-use trail. The buffer shall provide a year-round dense opaque screen not less than six (6) feet in height.
c. To the maximum extent practicable, development shall be located to preserve the natural features of the site, to avoid areas of environmental sensitivity and to minimize negative impacts and alteration of natural features. The following specific areas shall be preserved as undeveloped open space, to the extent consistent with the reasonable utilization to land and in accordance with applicable local, state, or federal regulations: wetlands, water bodies and water courses, and scenic views.

880 R.I. Code R. 880-RICR-00-00-4.12

Amended effective 11/27/2018