Current through December 26, 2024
Section 880-RICR-00-00-4.11 - Site Utility StandardsA. Electric and Communications 1. Electric, telephone, cable and all other communication service lines shall be installed underground between building and point of service per specifications of the applicable public utility company.2. Year-round screening shall be required of any utility apparatus appearing above ground, other than utility poles. Screening may consist of fences and/or opaque evergreen plantings and shall be shown as part of the Landscape Plan submittal to the TRC.B. Water Capacity1. The water supply service shall be adequate to handle the necessary flow, based on complete development of the tract.2. Water and fire suppression systems must meet the requirements of the QDC Water Department, 216-RICR- 50-05-1, 510-RICR- 00-00-1 and 510-RICR- 00-00-3.3. The demand rates for all uses shall be considered in computing the total system demand. Where fire protection is provided in accordance with the section below, the system shall be capable of providing the required fire demand plus the required maximum daily demand, or the peak hour flows indicated in 250-RICR- 150-10-6, whichever is greater. The maximum daily demand shall be calculated by multiplying the average daily demand by a factor of 1.5. An alternative method for estimating peak sewerage flows for building sewers is the "fixture unit" method. Coordinate with design of building plumbing. Sizes of proposed water and sewer services in the building shall be included on the plumbing trade plan, which shall be substantially a part of this.4. Average daily consumption shall be computed in accordance with the section above. The peak daily flows shall be computed by applying a peaking factor of three (3) times the average daily consumption. QDC may require deviations in the peaking factor value provided appropriate documentation and justification for the deviation from the standards is provided.5. The design of the on-site water service system shall be adequate to provide fire protection as per ISO standard, Fire Suppression Rating Schedule incorporated above in § 4.3(K)(1) of this Part, or per AWWA M31, incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(1) of this Part.6. All development plans will comply with water conservation goals in the Quonset Business Park Master Land Use and Development Plan, § 5.0 and § 6.0 of the "Quonset Development Corporation Quonset Business Park Water Supply System Management Plan." Water conservation shall be part of the site development planning, and building plumbing plans. Water conservation techniques such as but not limited to efficient use and reuse, recycling, pressure reduction where practical, low flow plumbing devices, and drought resistant landscape plantings, shall be evaluated and integrated into site plans and building plans. Recycling of industrial cooling water is encouraged.7. All new site, building, and renovation designs shall have water efficiency enhancements incorporated into the building plumbing fixture selection and landscape planting selections: a. Indoor plumbing fixtures shall be U.S. EPA WaterSense Certified.b. Outside planting selections shall be of the variety that once established require little or no irrigation.c. The size of landscaping requiring irrigation shall be limited.d. Outside sprinkler systems shall be equipped with moisture sensors. C. Water Service Design and Placement 1. Service design and placement shall comply with construction specifications for all applicable QDC rules and "American Water Works Association C800" incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(4) of this Part.2. Service mains of the overall system shall be connected into yard loops so as to avoid dead-ends.3. Valve connections are required at all points of Connection with the Park. Yard valves and hydrant spacing shall be per 510-RICR- 00-00-1.4. Gate valves shall be cast-iron body with double-disc gates; bronze mounted conforming to AWWA C500, incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(7) of this Part, or resilient-seated wedge, non-rising stem mechanical joint conforming to AWWA C509, incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(8) of this Part. Butterfly valves shall conform to AWWA C504, incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(9) of this Part. Valve interior openings shall be full size, and valves on sixteen (16) inch mains or larger shall be geared and have suitable bypasses. Valve boxes shall be of the adjustable type with the cover marked "water".5. Gate valves shall be used for service lines between four (4) and twelve (12) inches diameter. Butterfly valves shall be used for all services greater than twelve (12) inches. All valves shall open left.6. A building domestic service connection shall be comprised of a corporation stop at the main, a curb stop, a reduce pressure zone (RPZ) backflow preventer, and a water meter. Valving shall be in accordance with the 510-RICR- 00-00-3. Curb stops and water meters shall be located as specified by the QDC Water Department.7. QDC shall supply all meters up to one (1) inch in diameter, and any larger diameter meter shall be purchased by the User. User supplied meters shall comply with QDC Standard Details in the Guidance Document and shall be electronically coded at the factory to be read by QDC's automated water meter reading system. Coordination with the QDC Water Department is required prior to purchasing.8. Reduced Pressure Zone (RPZ) backflow preventers are required on all domestic water services and shall comply with QDC Standard Details in the Guidance Document, or as directed by QDC Water Department Superintendent. Double check valve assemblies are required on all fire protection services and shall comply with QDC Standard Details in the Guidance Document.9. Meters and backflow prevention devices shall be installed per the QDC's standard details; and shall be inspected and approved by the QDC's Water Department prior to activation.10. Pipe size shall comply with the following requirements:a. Building service connection pipe shall be a minimum diameter of one (1) inch, unless another size is required for fire flow and other criteria.b. Design capacity of water mains shall be such as to maintain a minimum residual pressure of twenty (20) pounds per square inch (psi) at street level under all fire flow conditions. The maximum fire flow shall be 2,000 gallons per minute (gpm) per zone.11. Pipe materials used in the construction of water mains shall be cement-lined ductile iron class 52 or PVC pipe, as outlined in AWWA C900, incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(5) of this Part. All pipes greater than or equal to twelve (12) inches in diameter must be ductile iron. All pipe and appurtenances shall comply with AWWA C151/A21.51 standards, incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(6) of this Part. a. Ductile iron pipe, appurtenances, and fittings shall comply with AWWA C110/A21.10, incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(10) of this Part; gasket joints shall comply with AWWA C111/A21.11, incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(11) of this Part; flanged joints shall comply with AWWA C115/A21.15, incorporated above in § 4.3(O) (12) of this Part; and pipe shall comply with AWWA C151/A21.51, incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(6) of this Part. Thickness shall be designed in accordance with AWWA C150/A21.50, incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(13) of this Part. It shall be cement-mortar lined in accordance with AWWA C104/A21.4, incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(14) of this Part. Joints shall be gasketed push-on joints or mechanical joints in conformance with AWWA C111/A21.11, incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(11) of this Part. The exterior of the ductile iron pipe shall be covered with an asphaltic, epoxy-type coating. In aggressive soils, ductile iron pipe shall be wrapped in polyethylene in accordance with AWWA C105/A21.50, incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(13) of this Part, or zinc coated ductile iron pipe in accordance with ISO 8179-1, incorporated above in § 4.3(K)(2) of this Part, shall be used.b. PVC pipe, appurtenances, and fittings shall conform to AWWA C900, incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(5) of this Part or AWWA C909, incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(2) of this Part for pipe sizes four (4) inches to twelve (12) inches and shall conform to AWWA C905, incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(15) of this Part for sizes fourteen (14) inches through thirty-six (36) inches. Joints shall be elastomeric-gasket couplings of a corresponding size. Laboratory performance requirements shall be met as specified in ASTM D3139, incorporated above in § 4.3(P)(1) of this Part. Solvent-cement couplings shall not be permitted. PVC pipe installations shall be provided with a metallic locator tape.c. Where transitions to flanged fittings are made, adapters approved by QDC shall be used.d. Building service connection pipe shall be type K copper or polyethylene (PE) pressure pipe that complies with ANSI/AWWA C901, incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(16) of this Part. 12. Pipe bedding and backfill shall be installed in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. a. QDC may require the developer to provide an opinion of a professional engineer relative to the suitability of the on-site material to be used as backfill.b. Where the on-site material is deemed suitable, the opinion shall specify the appropriate installation methods for the material. Where the on-site material is deemed not suitable, the opinion shall specify modification or replacement of the material and the appropriate installation for the specified material. D. Fire Hydrants 1. Hydrants shall be spaced to provide necessary fire flow subject to the approval of State and Town Fire Marshal.2. Size, type, and installation of hydrants shall conform to the following specifications as appropriate. a. Hydrants shall comply with QDC Standard Details in the Guidance Document. Valves shall open right, and hydrant nozzles shall be set at standard height above finish grade.b. Size, type, and installation of hydrants shall be in accordance with the requirements of QDC or shall conform to ANSI/AWWA C502" incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(3) of this Part.c. All fire hydrants shall conform to NFPA Standard 291, incorporated above in § 4.3(G) of this Part.E. Sanitary Sewers 1. Sanitary sewer service, where installed, shall conform to the standards contained in this subchapter and to the standards of QDC.2. The applicant shall submit to QDC for review for compliance with this part details of the planned pipes, joints, mains, laterals, and appurtenances. The details shall comply with all standards and specifications listed in this Part.F. Sanitary System Design and Placement 1. Refer to the Development Regulation's Guidance Document for slope standards for sanitary systems.2. Except where shallower depths are permitted by QDC, sewer lines, including force mains and laterals, shall be constructed at least three feet below the proposed grade (as measured from the top of the pipe to the grade elevation).3. Pipe materials used in the construction of gravity sanitary sewers shall be PVC or ductile iron pipe. All pipe and appurtenances shall comply with AWWA and ASTM standards referenced in this paragraph, which are incorporated herein by reference. Where PVC pipe is installed, a metallic locator tape shall also be installed adjacent to the pipe. a. PVC sewer pipe shall have bell and spigot ends, and O-ring rubber gasketed joints. PVC pipe and fittings shall conform to ASTM D3034, incorporated above in § 4.3(P)(2) of this Part, with a minimum wall thickness designation of SDR 35, or shall conform to ASTM F679, incorporated above in § 4.3(P)(3) of this Part,, F794, incorporated above in § 4.3(P)(4) of this Part or F949, incorporated above in § 4.3(P)(5) of this Part with a designated pipe stiffness of PS-46.b. The plastic material from which the pipe and fittings are extruded shall be impact types of PVC, unplasticized, having high mechanical strength and maximum chemical resistance, conforming to Type 1, Grade 1 of the specification for rigid polyvinyl chloride compounds, ASTM D1784, incorporated above in § 4.3(P) (6) of this Part.c. Pipe shall be free from defects, such as bubbles or other imperfections, in accordance with accepted commercial practice. Test results demonstrating that the pipe meets ASTM D2444, incorporated above in § 4.3(P)(7) of this Part for impact and ASTM D2321, incorporated above in § 4.3(P)(8) of this Part for deflection and pipe stiffness shall be provided when requested by the municipality or utility authority.d. Joints shall conform to ASTM D3212, incorporated above in § 4.3(P)(9) of this Part. Rubber-ring gaskets shall conform to ASTM F477, incorporated above in § 4.3(P)(10) of this Part. The gasket shall be the sole element depended upon to make the joint watertight.e. The pipe shall be installed as specified in ASTM D2321, incorporated above in § 4.3(P)(8) of this Part. When installing pipe in unstable soil or excessive ground water, a determination regarding special precautions, such as poured concrete slabs, shall be made by QDC's engineer.f. Bedding, haunching, and initial backfill material shall be furnished and installed to conform to "Rhode Island Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Amended August 2013, § 701.02.5 Bedding Materials", incorporated above in § 4.3(E) of this Part.g. Ductile iron pipe shall be centrifugally cast in metal or sand-lined molds to AWWA C151/A21.51, incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(6) of this Part. Joints shall be rubber gasketed joints that conform to AWWA C111/A21.11, incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(11) of this Part, or flanged joints that comply with AWWA C115/A21.15, incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(12) of this Part. Pipe shall be a minimum of Class 50. The outside of the pipe shall be coated with a uniform thickness of hot applied asphaltic coating. In corrosive soils, pipe shall be encased in polyethylene in accordance with AWWA C150/A21.50, incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(13) of this Part. Ductile iron pipe shall be installed with Class C, Ordinary Bedding when site conditions allow. The inside shall be lined with cement in accordance with AWWA C117/A21.4, incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(14) of this Part, or where hydrogen sulfide is present, ductile iron pipe with polyethylene coating that protects the interior of the pipe shall be used.h. Force mains shall be constructed of ductile iron pipe, as specified above or PVC pipe that meets ASTM D1785, incorporated above in § 4.3(P)(11) of this Part, ASTM D2241, incorporated above in § 4.3(P)(12) of this Part, or AWWA C909, incorporated above in § 4.3(O)(2) of this Part.i. Inspection cleanouts or observation tees within the easement or right-of-way shall be fitted with either a metallic cap or a nonmetal cap fitted with a metallic plug that is suitable for locating the cleanout. Caps shall have a depressed or inverted nut. The inspection cleanout or observation tee shall be placed between the curb or edge of pavement and property line, or within a designated easement. An inspection manhole shall be provided at or near the property line, prior to connection to the QDC Sewer System, from each prospective sewer user.j. As-built drawings that include the location of plumbing wyes, as supplied by the contractor, shall be submitted to QDC's engineer.k. Exterior drop manholes shall be per QDC standard detail found in the Development Regulation's Guidance Document.880 R.I. Code R. 880-RICR-00-00-4.11
Amended effective 11/27/2018