250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-90-00-4.19

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-90-00-4.19 - Commercial Temperature Control of Shellfish
A. Commercial shellfishermen shall not allow shell stock to deteriorate or decompose from exposure to excessive temperature and shall deliver shell stock to a licensed dealer before such deterioration or decomposition occurs.
B. Harvest of shellfish from sunrise November 1 through sunset March 31 annually:

The maximum allowable time between the commencement of harvest of shell stock and delivery to a dealer shall be twenty (20) hours. Possession of shell stock in excess of twenty (20) hours is prohibited.

C. Harvest of shellfish from sunrise April 1 through sunset October 31 annually: The maximum allowable time between the commencement of harvest of shell stock and delivery to a dealer shall be ten (10) hours. Possession of shell stock in excess of ten (10) hours is prohibited.
1. The harvester shall provide shading to all shellfish intended for harvest aboard vessels and during land-based deliveries.
2. Harvest of bay quahogs or oysters from within Designated Temperature Control Areas that exceed five hours to complete shall be placed in mechanical refrigeration or adequately iced in a storage container within five (5) hours of the commencement of harvest until the shellfish are transferred to a licensed dealer within ten (10) hours.
D. Whelk is exempt from temperature control requirements as specified in this Part. Ocean quahogs and surf clams are exempt from temperature control requirements as specified in this Part only if they are destined for thermal processing.

250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-90-00-4.19

Adopted effective 10/22/2023
Amended effective 12/4/2023
Amended effective 1/8/2024
Amended effective 4/4/2024
Amended effective 7/20/2024
Amended effective 11/19/2024