250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-90-00-4.11

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-90-00-4.11 - Bay Scallop
4.11.1Minimum size
A. The taking or possession of a seed Bay scallop is prohibited. Seed bay scallops shall be immediately returned to their natural beds in the water from which taken.
4.11.2Taking, harvest or possession of bay scallops by non-residents prohibited.
A. The taking, harvest or possession of bay scallops by non-residents is prohibited.
A. The seasons and areas closed to the taking and possession of bay quahog as specified in § 4.7.2 of this Part shall apply to bay scallop from the first (1st) Saturday in November through December 31; the taking of bay scallops in any waters of the state is prohibited from January 1 through the Friday before the first (1st) Saturday in November.
B. Dip-netting from a boat: Open only from the first (1st) Saturday in November through December 31.
C. Dredging: Open only from December 1 through December 31.
4.11.4Possession limit
A. Recreational - all marine waters of the state: One (1) bushel per person per day.
B. Commercial - all marine waters of the state: Three (3) bushels per person per day.
4.11.5Polluted waters harvest
A. The prohibition on the harvest and possession of shellfish in waters declared polluted by the Director pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 20-8.1-3 shall not apply to bay scallop.
4.11.6Closed area harvest
A. The taking of bay scallops by dip-netting from a boat is allowed in closed areas of shellfish management areas as specified in § 4.7.2(B) of this Part, unless otherwise specifically prohibited pursuant to this Part.
4.11.7Dredging for bay scallops
A. Maximum number of single dredges used: Six (6) single dredges.
B. Maximum width of dredge blades: Twenty-eight inches (28").
C. Maximum length of bag: Thirty-six inches (36").
D. Each single dredge shall be towed and hauled aboard the registered vessel individually. All oysters, soft-shell clams, or bay quahogs shall be immediately returned to the waters from which they were taken.
E. The use of bay scallop dredges is prohibited in areas closed to harvest for bay quahog pursuant to § 4.7.2(B)(2) of this Part.

250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-90-00-4.11

Amended effective 12/27/2018
Amended effective 11/13/2019
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Amended effective 11/19/2024