Section 250-RICR-40-05-3.1 - PurposeA. To establish a procedure for the issuance of permits for the importation and possession within Rhode Island of those exotic or native wild animals that are free of diseases and that do not pose a threat to humans, livestock and other domesticated animals, and native wildlife.B. To allow importation/possession by only those persons who can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Department of Environmental Management (hereinafter the "Department") that they have adequate facilities, adequate knowledge of, animal health and husbandry, and the ability and resources to care for the subject animals in order to ensure public safety as well as the health and well-being of the imported/possessed exotic or native wild animal.C. To ensure that endangered and threatened species are not imported/possessed in Rhode Island without a permit.250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-40-05-3.1
Amended effective 7/11/2021