Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-150-20-7.6 - EligibilityA. Eligible Projects and Costs. The following projects and costs are eligible for funding pursuant to these Regulations: 1. The engineering design, construction, renovation, operation, and maintenance of marine pumpout stations and/or dump stations, which are open to all members of the recreational boating public on a non-discriminatory and equal basis.2. Equipment and materials necessary to hold sewage collected at pumpout and dump stations and/or employed to connect such stations to the nearest sewers, including holding tanks, pumps, and piping, provided that when ineligible facilities such as restrooms or showers are serviced by the same holding tanks or sewer connections only that pro rata share of capacity required by the pumpout or dump station is eligible for funding.3. Equipment necessary to allow public sewage treatment plants to accept such sewage, except for bleed-in facilities.4. For approved projects only, the cost of preparing plans and/or obtaining required regulatory permits, including permit fees, for any of the above.B. Ineligible Projects and Costs. The following projects and costs are ineligible for funding pursuant to these Regulations:1. Pumpout and dump stations which are operated for the exclusive use of marina patrons or members of a club or association and which are not accessible to the general public on an equitable basis.2. Portable dockside pumpout units, carts or tanks.3. Construction, renovation, operation, and/or maintenance of restroom facilities and/or showers.4. Construction, renovation, operation, and/or maintenance of on-site septage disposal systems such as package treatment facilities or conventional septic tanks, fields and/or galleys.5. Truck hauling of septage wastes from holding tanks to public sewage treatment plants, unless sanitary sewer service is not reasonably available.6. Extensions of existing public sewage systems.7. Bleed-in facilities at public sewage treatment plants.8. Construction, renovation, operation, and/or maintenance of any dock, pier, or other improvement not dedicated to, nor directly required to support the operation of an eligible pumpout or dump station. 9. Dredging and/or dredge spoil disposal.11. Any cost, except those provided for under § 7.6(A)(4) of this Part, incurred by an applicant prior to a grant award.C. Eligible Applicants Only owners of any Rhode Island marinas, as herein defined, may apply for grants to support projects, which must be located at that marina. A non-owner operator may apply for such a grant, but only if the owner countersigns the application and the Grant Award Agreement.250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-150-20-7.6
Amended effective 5/6/2022