Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-120-05-47.13 - Notice of Auction and Sale47.13.1Notice of AuctionA. Notice of auctions shall be published on the central auction website or the Department's website, whichever is appropriate, no later than forty-five (45) days prior to the date upon which each auction may be conducted. Such Notices may be transmitted electronically to parties requesting such notification.B. Each Notice shall provide a specific description of the auction format, including all auction participation requirements, and shall include, but not be limited to, the following information: the date, time and location and/or electronic address of the auction; the quantity of CO2 allowances to be auctioned (by allocation year); the number of CO2 CCR allowances that will be offered for sale at the auction if the condition of § 47.9(A) of this Part, is met; the CCR trigger price for the auction; the maximum number of CO2 ECR allowances that may be withheld from sale at the auction if the condition of § 47.10(A) of this Part, is met; the ECR trigger price for the auction; the minimum reserve price for the auction; the amount and type of security required; any limits on the amount of CO2 allowances any one bidder or group of bidders may purchase; the required bid format; information regarding settling and clearing of allowance payments; application instructions; other pertinent rules of the auction; and identification of a contact person for further information.47.13.2Notice of SaleA. Notice of sales shall be published on the Department's website no later than forty-five (45) days prior to the date upon which each sale may be conducted. Such Notices may be transmitted electronically to parties requesting such notification.B. Each Notice will provide a specific description of the sale format, including all sale participation requirements, and shall include but not be limited to the following information: the date, time and location and/or electronic address of the sale; the quantity of CO2 allowances to be offered for sale (by allocation year); amount and type of security required; the price of the CO2 allowances; any limits on the amount of CO2 allowances any one buyer or group of buyers may purchase; application instructions; other pertinent rules of the sale; and identification of a contact person for further information.250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-120-05-47.13
Amended effective 12/25/2018